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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Youtube videos

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Looking for instructional videos for forwards on Youtube. I've seen those hockeyus.com videos but they're brutal to watch. commentary is basically non existent besides "start, stop, reload. start, stop, reload."

I've been coaching goalies for 4 years and have had the pleasure of working with pro goalie coaches that have a lot to teach about instructing. Before a drill I often explain key points, problem areas to avoid, break down certain aspects, etc. I'm looking for forward drills that will have similar insight

Did a camp each summer the past few years with travis dillabough and brad shaver and learned an immense amount from them in regards to forward skills. For every drill they have these seemingly-minute points that make essential advancements in the effectiveness of the drill, and how they relate to game situations.

Thank you in advance for any information.

edit: I've since seen some videos with good points from hockeyus. still looking for more sources and info

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