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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Hockey Shop

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I found somethings I like on the hockey shop site, and I want to order, but I wanted to know if anyone who has purchased anything from them can comment on their shipping prices. It says they can't process it until after the order, but I just wanted to see if anyone can comment before I move on.

I live in Philly by the way.

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if you see something you like on there, and it gives you a price... it basically indicates that they will ship it anywhere. if there is a "in-store only" tag and no price listed, they will not ship it.

the reason why they dont quote shipping is because they dont know how much the shipping will be.

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Max - I currently live in PA as well, and I've ordered a few things from The Hockey Shop over the last couple of years. A few of those CCM pro stock sticks they had awhile back, and I also used them a few years back to do a pair of custom Eagle gloves. Shipping for the stick(s) was $18, which is relatively normal for shipping from Canada to the States.

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If it is the one in Canada, they may not be able to ship, unless they do from the US.

Send jbyun04 a PM - believe he works there.

Not anymore. Went freelance graphic/web designer as of last December though I still work with them.

The reason there isn't a shipping charge when you order is because they use custom shaped boxes to fit the order that's going out.

Since the UPS Shipping Module can't calculate and there's no way of being able to do that manually (we tried so many different ways, the guys from UPS couldn't figure it out either)

they tell you the shipping cost after you place the order.

They're moving to their new store right now so in addition to that there's going to be some massive changes to their website and shipping model.

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If you live in the US, they cannot ship Bauer, CCM and Reebok products across the border.

What are you looking to buy from them?

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They have wood blades in my curve of choice at a good price. I just switched from composite blades to wood and I don't know if I'll be able to go back haha. but anyway, yea.

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Shipping from Canada to Canada was fairly quick (as expected) but I had ordered a Dolomite LH and got a RH...instead of shipping the whole thing back to them , I was able to sell the stick to a friend. Another friend of mine bought a U+ stick and when he received it, the toe was all busted. I just find that they don't pack the sticks too well. Apart from that, everything else was quick...but still...

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