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What's with the new palm materials for gloves?

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Anyone else experience some really cheap, non-durable palms on newer gloves? I bought a pair of Easton gloves and the palm had this really soft material (nonleather) and within three games they were wearing through the fingers. It was like cheap felt, I've never seen such a thing before. The gloves were like $60 bucks on sale, but hey, who would buy any gloves that wouldn't last more than a few games?

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how much tape do you have on the end of your stick? that has a big impact on how long palms last


I just do a single layer of tape for a bit of grip to about 8 inches from the end of the stick. I don't to the big knobby thing at the end.

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im not surprised that you go through gloves quickly then - i do a decent sized butt end and let it hang off the end a little bit to cover up the sharp points - if you dont cover up the sharp corners its going to tear holes in your gloves real quick.

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im not surprised that you go through gloves quickly then - i do a decent sized butt end and let it hang off the end a little bit to cover up the sharp points - if you dont cover up the sharp corners its going to tear holes in your gloves real quick.

Yeah, I see what you mean but that's not where they wore. The fingers wore through, not the palm area.

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I'm having the same problems, too. I bought a pair of Easton S11s last year and while the shell has held up well, the palm's durability is terrible. At least, in the non-reinforced areas where the black overlay doesn't cover. It's true that I'm pretty minimalistic with taping the butt end of the stick as well, but I'm getting holes on the lower hand as well. More specifically, the index, pinky and especially the thumbs which have holes big enough in them now where the thumb will usually stick right out of them more often than not. Even the thin palms on my old Vapor XXX gloves didn't do that.

I'm considering trying out the S13s when they come out a few months from now to see if the palms on them are any better. If not, I'll just have to repalm those or the S11s since my weird hands don't seem to fit any other gloves out there quite as well. I'd love to have customized Warriors, but I have no clue how they fit.

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Guys....use the cloth tape over your tape jobs...just a single layer will keep your palms from wearing...considerably! Try it!

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What do you mean "cloth tape"? What else might they be using - except maybe no tape with a grip coating on the shaft. I'm old school, but to me there's friction, clear plastic, gauze, and cloth. Cloth was for the skinny end and friction was for the flat end.... Please enlighten me a bit...

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I stopped using tape for this reason. I used to just used a strip around the butt-end. Now I take sand paper and round the edges and make sure they're nice and smooth.

The only thing on my X60 Pros are some slight black smudges which I guess are from paint wearing off on my X:60 sticks (regular stick, not grip)

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I stopped stocking Easton gloves in the shop a while ago because customers would complain how quickly the palms wore out.

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