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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White gloves

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To the OP - if someone has a problem with your gloves, that's on them, not you bro. I personally don't like white gloves for me, but I'd never hound someone else for rocking them. I love all these (dumb) unspoken rules that come from players who essentially suck, themselves, and have no business criticizing anyone. People like PHEW and Sauce Hockey. Losers. Guys more worried about what someone else is wearing than focusing on their own game. Isn't ironic we spend all this time customizing our gear for our particular needs, but certain things are frowned upon for being too individual? Screw that. Wear what you dig and makes you feel good on the ice.

White glove lover!! lol

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i got a pair of custom-made white Eagle X70's Gloves....White gloves are the shiznit (when the model is right)

believe it or not, it has my nickname : Flashy 7 embroidered on it lol.

i do find some white gloves to be ugly tho.....depends on many factors i guess, like the color of the jersey, the player himself..etc....White glove are either extremely nice or extremely lame.

one thing you DONT wanna sport though are white skates.. don't.

Unless youre Fedorov in the 90's , dont do it.

Who cares?! Get what you like, get what fits, you have to wear it. To hell with what other people think it is your stuff. If I am paying for something you better believe that I will get what fits the best, and second to that what is aesthetically appealing to me. People that feel the need to run their mouths because someone has white gloves, white skates, tinted visors, or whatever else they deem as "flashy" or "uncool" need to reevaluate their take on life. It's a game, let people enjoy it.

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Call me crazy but I've always been way more interested in how someone plays, acts, and competes than what they are wearing. I have a hard enough time out there trying to play my best out there to worry about being the fashion police. With that being said, you have to admit those Mission WTF gloves are ridiculous. :laugh:

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I have a pair of white Mission Fuel 130 gloves. I mainly bought them because they are awesome gloves and I got a great price on them, but I like the way they look. They are not totally white either. There is some silver and black. I've never been chirped at because of them. A couple of people have said that they like them. I guess that means I must be a half decent player according to what you guys have said. I can tolerate things like white gloves or skates, but the mirrored visor in the dim rec league rink is ridiculous, gaudy and deserving of a chirp.

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I honestly think its childish to call anyone out for wearing white gloves or white skates. If they like it and wanna get it, it's their own prerogative to buy em. There's always gonna be hot dogs no matter what gear they're using so why chirp?

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Personally, I wouldn't buy some of the "flashier" gear because I think it looks gaudy, but then there's a lot of normal coloured gear that I wouldn't touch because it looks terrible (I'm looking at you, Warrior). That said, if I found a pair of Mission Fuel 130's in white, I'd probably buy them because I love those gloves.

When it comes down to it, whatever.

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