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Reebok 10K Shin Guards

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I recieved a knee injury a few weeks ago, another player slid into me taking my legs out and I went down and hit my right knee hard on the outside. Have not played for over 2 weeks now. I had Easton S19 shins on at the time. The plastic calf wrap on the S19 is a little to small. It does not curve out enough on the small side of plastic, meaty calfs hang out of a gap.

Wanted to know if anyone using the Reebok 10K or the Buaer pro, need a little wider knee area with more cushion any recomendations? Thanks, by the way, I am 6'2" 215lbs.

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Im using the 10k and they are by far the most protective shin gaurd I have seen and used. Coming from vapor xxxx these are far wider and have more protection. The only draw back is the are not vented in the pad or the plastic which makes them warmer on your leges.

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I've always been to the opinion that Reebok shin pads are among the best in the industry for all round protection. They run a bit wider than some other manufacturers shin pads and don't have ventilation openings cut in the front but are still the choice of most of the professional players and equipment managers in the pro leagues. I highly recommend them for superior protection.

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I saw the new Reebok 11K up for pre order and they have vents in the front for air flow. MMMM should I wait for them or just get the 10K? The new 11K are only $20 more. Not sure what the whole zig zag thing for marketing is now. Anyone know about the 11K or even Warrior new line of stuff, such as franchise and boneafide any good?

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had them for a bit and i think they are way too huge, maybe has a d-men if you wanna block shot, i also think they we're pretty stiff, thats me tho... everyone has preference, i went with warrior hustler and i felt like i was in heaven, they move sooo good

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Have you tried them on, gmill? I've got the 6k's, which fit very close to the 10k's, and while I'll admit I bought them partially on reputation with the JOFA caps and all, I'm fairly happy with them. That said, the calf wrap is not as protective as my old One90's, even if the shins are wider/bigger and can fit a larger leg. Don't know anything about the 11k's, but the venting shouldn't make much difference...I recall reading that the people with vented shins (like the 8k's) didn't find anything special about them. Anyways, like I said, I take a lot of shots off these and they're bulletproof, fairly wide, I like them well enough.

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I have 10k's. Feels like a pillowtop mattress in the knee area. I don't feel a thing. Calf wrap is pretty decent coverage, somewhat adjustable too.

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