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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X60 skate sizing

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OK so I am looking to get some new skates, I am in my second year of college hockey and my 6 year old Vapor XX's are totally falling apart, even though I don't want to give them up. I know i should try my new skates on before I purchase them, but I am looking to save some money and go with last years models. Within the past week every site I have been on has sold out of my current XX size which is 8d. My question is does anyone have experience coming from the XX/XXX line to the new X60 skates, and if so do they fit relatively the same. I don't want to spend $400 on skates and have them be uncomfortable but I also don't want to wait till the weekend to try them on at a local skate shop (if they still even have them) and get stuck purchasing the new vapor line for much more $. Also if anyone knows where i can get a pair of the X60's in size 8d for the going rate (399.99), that would be awesome aswell.


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It's getting sadder for me to admit but my X50's are STILL more comfortable than my X60 LE boots. I'd sure recommend trying both.

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ok so maybe i should wait and try both the X50s and X60s? i found one site with a pretty good selection of sizes available, hopefully it stays that way until the weekend when i actually have a chance to go try them on.

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Just went from xxxx to x60 (custom) and obviously my liner, size where the same there was no difference in pitch so there was no adjustment time for things like a taller.holder etc. Really only had to adjust to new runner. The x60s were noticeably lighter and have been extremely comfortable.

The x60 is also built Like a xxx internally with the externals of a xxxx

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