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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Short and Long sticks in the NHL

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If anyone remembers Bobby Dollas, he was over six foot, and he used to shortest stick with the biggest heel cruve i've ever seen. His stick couldn't have gone farther than midway up his torso.

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I think Danny Lecours sets the shortest stick record. aside from the fact that i think he wears a size 5.5 skate, is sticks is almost golf club length, and has the longest, ugliest heel curve ever. i played with him last winter, and he had one Core Light Xstiff shaft, and one ABS CAP Xstiff shaft, and RHino Branches blades.


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Wow, look at that hook!

That is truely rediculous. I can see past the length, but not that discusting hook. That's worse than Kovalchuk's.

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Chris Kelland used to play for the Sheffield Steelers in the UK.

When he was stood with his stick in both hands across his body the blade would be in his right hand. Ridiculous. Steady player in the UK leagues though.

The stick came just above his hip when he was on skates, like a field hockey stick!

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Let's hear it for "Mylec".... :D

My son loved his sticks short as well...and did much the same thing..everytime he got a new one he would end up cutting it maybe 1/4" shorter...drove me nuts, as they were already too short for what I thought he needed before he started...it didn't seem to hurt his hands though...He recently tried adding about 4" to his stick to where it came up to his chin while on skates..it's now back down to upper chest. All in what seems to work best for you (I now grudgingly admit....)

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brett hull use's a fairly short stick doesn't he? i remember seeing pics of him and it was near his nipple or collarbone region.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
brett hull use's a fairly short stick doesn't he? i remember seeing pics of him and it was near his nipple or collarbone region.

He actually just removes the end plug from the shaft, tapes it, and goes.

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There's an underarmour ad in the Hockey News great debates mag that has Hull standing with his hand on the butt end of his stick. Its a bubble with his initials on the shaft so its not a prop.

In the pic its at chin height.

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