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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting blood stain out of boot

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I would hit it with something like Spray and Wash, Didi7, or even a concentration of dishwasher detergent (e.g., Cascade) and water. Dishwater detergent is very good at destroying enzymes and proteins. Let it soak in a bit and then hit it with a toothbrush.

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Thats bizarre, the exact same thing happened to my v12s when i had them. I remember skating in them for about 3 hours straight and had a huge gash on my ankle.

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I also had a friend that had to return the skates because everytime he skated he would end up with cust on his legs just above the ankles. Nike/Bauer rep exchanged them out for XX's, so he is happy know, but I would tell your friend about this issue before he buys those boots, just in case

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One of the kids I coach has new V-12's (Which is what the skate pictured used to be). Each time the outside of his leg, just above his ankle is getting eaten up. It's at the top of the skate, between the eyelets and tenon guard. Its all blood stained, and continues to cause problems. Any idea what this is from? Mis-sized or just too sharp? He went from a 10E CCM to a 11.5EE Nike which seems like a huge jump to me. I know this is a little bit off the original topic, but its the same boot and the same problem. Any suggestions

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Is this guy wearing long socks that cover that area? I have the same problem with skates I just bought and the LHS suggested that I wear longer socks and lace my top eyelets.

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