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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking mission soldier black.

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I bought a pair of these and have tried to break them in normally. It's taking a while so am looking to bake them.

Does anyone know the settings for doing this at home, eg temp, time and wheels on/off.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I bought a pair of these and have tried to break them in normally. It's taking a while so am looking to bake them.

Does anyone know the settings for doing this at home, eg temp, time and wheels on/off.

Any help would be appreciated.

pre-heat oven to 170-175 degrees and then turn oven OFF.

put skates (without wheels and bearings) on a baking tray for about 8-10 min or until the boot becomes 'flexible'

put skates on and tie, but don't pull so hard to the point where you pull the eyelets out.

sit upright in a chair while bending your knees, toes pointed down.

do NOT get up and walk aroud.

sit there for like 10-15 minutes or so.

do not play on the skates for 24 hours.

repeat if necessary.

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Thanks for the swift reply. Should I stand the skates up or lay them down ? Also do you mean, tuck my legs under the chair, so my feet are pointing to the ground ?

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You'd want to stand them up in the oven, as theres a real risk of melting the fabric/plastics onto the oven. There are lots of risks doing it at home and isn't really recommended. You need a convection oven to begin with.

You may want try using a heatgun to fix hotspots before you throw them into the oven. Another possibility is that you're in the wrong skate and baking isn't going to fix that.

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You'd want to stand them up in the oven, as theres a real risk of melting the fabric/plastics onto the oven. There are lots of risks doing it at home and isn't really recommended. You need a convection oven to begin with.

You may want try using a heatgun to fix hotspots before you throw them into the oven. Another possibility is that you're in the wrong skate and baking isn't going to fix that.

as long as you don't over heat (preheat to 175 degrees, oven off, skates in for 8-10 min, skates out), melting anything won't be a problem. Covection oven? No. If anything, that WILL overheat your skates. Most shops that do the baking for you have this little plug in the wall heat machine that works like any standard kitchen oven.

i've baked plenty of skates the same way i mentioned with no problem.

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The skate ovens have a fan inside, they are convection ovens. A normal oven does not distribute as evenly as a convection oven, it has nothing to do with temperature.

While you may be comfortable with your oven, there are plenty of ovens out there that aren't accurate and could potentially damage the skate. This is true even for digital controlled ovens. Also you should follow the baking instructions, iirc the mission blacks should be baked for no more than 6 minutes, leaving them in there for 10 could cause premature breakdown.

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I always put a damp cloth down on the tray (carefully) and put the skate on top of the cloth -- all this after the oven is pre-heated and turned off. This avoids the skate touching any hot metal.

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