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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replace NIke 004 Helmet?

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I've got one of these buckets and the areas around the adjustment screws are slightly cracked but everything else is fully intact and, like I said in the title, it's new old stock (I know these haven't been made since the 90's. Do you guys think it's safe to use for non-contact rec-league/drop-in or should I replace it?

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I've got one of these buckets and the areas around the adjustment screws are slightly cracked but everything else is fully intact and, like I said in the title, it's new old stock (I know these haven't been made since the 90's. Do you guys think it's safe to use for non-contact rec-league/drop-in or should I replace it?

Isn't that the bauer 4500 helmet basicly?

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older helmets plastic will deteriorate and although they may appear to look "fine", your head protection would be compromised.

On a side note, at least you can still keep it on the shelf for decoration, I wouldn't mind owning one.

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