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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Michigan/Ohio State playing outdoors at Progressive Field in Cleveland

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It depends how you look at it, Chadd. Having an outdoor game is no longer as special, but it's special to the people from those two schools or those in Cleveland.

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Yeah, I'm sure they're trying to raise the visibility of OSU hockey in the area, with Big Ten hockey. Seems like a good gamble. There will be enough UofM fans around to get a decent crowd. And I couldn't care less if it's "special" on a national scale.

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When everyone does something, it just isn't special anymore.

+1. An event like BC/BU at Fenway when the WC was there was cool, but now you have teams of all levels doing this..just kills it for me.

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If two D3 schools in New England were to put up the money to schedule another game at Fenway (or Gillette) this year, then I'd agree it would be overexposure for the New England area. However, three to five years from now wouldn't be overexposure.

But this game is in an area of the country that only has seen one game (the Michigan game last year), so it's new for the participants of the game, as well as the potential high school teams or public skaters who might use the rink. I think none of them would agree with you that their area has been overexposed.

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But this game is in an area of the country that only has seen one game (the Michigan game last year), so it's new for the participants of the game...

Lets not forget the 2001 Cold War between Michigan and Michigan State that really started this outdoor game craze. For a lot of the Michigan players, this will be their third outdoor game (2010 game at Wisky and the 2011 Big Chill at the Big House).

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I'll be going to the game...looking forward to freezing in Cleveland. O-H...

it aint that cold here, maybe -18C(0F) at the lowest at that time

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