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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hurricane Irene

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Figure I would get this started now, are my fellow Mid Atlantic/New England MSH'ers ready for the Hurricane? Everything up here is off the shelves from water to lanterns, is it the same everywhere else?

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meh, it's just a strong nor'easter :tongue: . Just don't have to dig out afterwards and it's not below zero. Only concern is that I cant consume all the food in my fridge before the power goes out. But I'm in northern MA, so I'm sure it'll be pretty slowed up by then and the track is looking like more rain than the wind.

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meh, it's just a strong nor'easter :tongue: . Just don't have to dig out afterwards and it's not below zero. Only concern is that I cant consume all the food in my fridge before the power goes out. But I'm in northern MA, so I'm sure it'll be pretty slowed up by then and the track is looking like more rain than the wind.

South Western NH, Hopefully we will just see some minor flooding. My sister is in VA and is dealing with earthquakes, 4.0 after shocks, and now this?!?!?! Stay safe!!!

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I'm ready here in Northern Mass. Not too worried but not taking this lightly either. Seems like wind speeds won't be too bad by the time it gets here. It's the rain I'm worried about. It makes the trees easier to uproot and they come down on the lines and I lose power, my sump pump won't have power and my basement will be under water.

And then I'll be pissed and will start breaking things.

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Oy... Smack middle of LI, and the Eye is to pass west, giving us the wicked strong winds. I've got food n water and alcohol to last me a few days. I feel for the people on Fire Island, (its a barrier island to Long Island) all their stuff is going to get seriously messed up. I'll take a few before-during-after shots n post em up sometime sunday night or tuesday.

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My brother is USCG stationed in Wilmington, NC. Luckily, he had leave setup for this weekend, so hes on call and not on duty. His boss literally told him to head for high ground and keep his (pregnant) wife out of harm's way so they're holed up in a hotel in Raleigh. Good to know he's prepared, and the Coast Guard has done this a million times so they know how to handle it but it's still a little nervewracking.

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All the stores by me are officially empty, I guess CT thinks its the end of the world :dry: Hope my parents will be ok on Staten Island, they should be high enough off sea level to avoid flooding and there aren't many trees in my area so hoping for the best!

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stay safe guys. HOpe you guys have stocked up. After going thru the floods and cyclone earlier this year, our house is well stocked up on food etc in case something like this happens.

Make sure you guys have got a bag packed with all your essentials (not talking about hockey gear). Passports, certs etc that cannot be replaced. Clothes and jackets as well.

Praying for you guys. Stay safe!!!

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I don't know about everyone else but I have enough food and water to last at least a week if I lose the electricity.

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Axxion, Where in CT are you?

It Poured all day today (Eastern North Carolina) along with heavy winds. A tree fell right next to the house, but missed the house by about 3 feet. Lost power for 12 hours. Downed trees everywhere, loose powerlines all over the roads, and a decent amount of flooding. Glad its over. Hopefully everything is cleaned up soon and everyone whose homes were damaged are all safe.

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The Overrated Storm of the Century! Never lost power, a few downed trees but nothing like the clowns at the Weather Channel predicted, saying it would be a Cat 1 Hurricane all the way to Mass. Not saying it wasn't bad but I had a few storms last year that did the same damage in NY and CT that were just categorized as severe thunderstorms

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