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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking Skates

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I don't play ice hockey often enough to buy top of the line skates so I just picked up some Easton EQ3 skates because of the very low price. The box says they are heat moldable for 4 minutes at 200 F. This doesn't seem like enough to do the trick though. I was thinking around 8 minutes at 175-185 F. What do you guys think? Keep in mind that I have never baked any of my previous roller or ice skates.

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I wouldn't even try to bake them unless you are 100% confident in the time and temp of the oven. Best case scenario, they fit a little better. Worst case scenario, you don't have skates anymore.

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Your home oven isn't a skate oven; as in it's not convectional. Having heat coming from top or bottom heats the skate unevenly and could lead to damage to the skate and its glues/resins.

Am I right?

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Go to your local grocery store and pick up an oven thermometer to ensure that your oven is reading correctly, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT EASTON GAVE YOU, and gently lace them up snug but not turbo tight. Go skate and realize that they will take 10 or so sessions to break in fully to your foot. Cheers!

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Again.. DON'T use your home oven, so Don't bother with what Tondog said.. Maybe Chadd can help you find a shop close to you that you unfamiliar with. Otherwise.. just use the Warm Wet Sock method, or wear them around the house with skate guards on of course. Is there a Reason you Need to bake them? Are there hot spots?? If not, just go skate.. they'll still need time to break in. What rink you skate out of?

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I would also not recommend doing them yourself. Judging by the hours, I'd guess you're somewhere in the Altoona area? Harrisburg or State College should have somewhere you can bake your skates.

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Again.. DON'T use your home oven, so Don't bother with what Tondog said.. Maybe Chadd can help you find a shop close to you that you unfamiliar with. Otherwise.. just use the Warm Wet Sock method, or wear them around the house with skate guards on of course. Is there a Reason you Need to bake them? Are there hot spots?? If not, just go skate.. they'll still need time to break in. What rink you skate out of?

Judging by the responses I don't think I'm going to end up doing them myself. I have been playing in the Indiana rink during the months they have ice.

I would also not recommend doing them yourself. Judging by the hours, I'd guess you're somewhere in the Altoona area? Harrisburg or State College should have somewhere you can bake your skates.

I live about an hour west of both Altoona and State College. I know Altoona has a rink, but I've never been to it, so I don't know if they would have an oven. I went to school at Penn State and they have no LHS. I've also been to their rink, but I'm not sure if they have an oven either.

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So you're in the Black Lick area then? Play it Again Sports in Greensburg 35 minutes away has an oven.

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So you're in the Black Lick area then? Play it Again Sports in Greensburg 35 minutes away has an oven.

Thanks. Greensburg is still about an hour and a half away. Should have emphasized Northwest of Altoona and State College.

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Thanks. Greensburg is still about an hour and a half away. Should have emphasized Northwest of Altoona and State College.

You could just say the town instead of emphasizing direction. It might give the people trying to help you the right information to do so.

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I am a tier 1 AAA player and bake myself. You Tube has some really good step by step videos. It works great. I think you set for only 150 degrees then turn off as you put into oven. Look up on You Tube for specifics.

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My home oven(E......x) has such a kind of function as "Conventional" and I faced no issue baking X50's and CL's there . So if there is that function in an oven , then why not ?

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My home oven(E......x) has such a kind of function as "Conventional" and I faced no issue baking X50's and CL's there . So if there is that function in an oven , then why not ?

I hope your oven is 'Conventional', but that's not what you want, you want 'Convectional'

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