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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why not? When I saw them I was impressed. Its an inno with the convex-concave shape. It feels realy nice in your hands.

Inno makes the triangular, TRILAGE sticks? Are you sure?

As for why not, because I've used one of their shafts, and it's quite alien.....

The performance wasn't good either, but that is likely got to do with adjusting to the different shaft shape and characteristics (Dailey's shots did not look all that impressive with it either - but I don't know how long he's been trying it).

I'm thinking that the shape might make wrist shots easier, though.

The new ones aren't triangular, more of an elbow-macaroni shape.

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So.... more, round?

Regardless, Inno is making them?

I had heard last year that Inno would be making them.


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The one that Manny is using looks identical (paint scheme wise) to the one Daley was using.

Also, I noticed for the first time some players using Vector 120's - is that a V120 that the Pen's player is using above against Malholtra?

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Also, I noticed for the first time some players using Vector 120's - is that a V120 that the Pen's player is using above against Malholtra?

It looks like it.

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The one that Manny is using looks identical (paint scheme wise) to the one Daley was using.

Also, I noticed for the first time some players using Vector 120's - is that a V120 that the Pen's player is using above against Malholtra?

They were using a lot of them at the AHL and ECHL level last year and I believe that player was in the AHL last season. I ended up with a couple dozen pro stock 120s thanks to some friends.

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The one that Manny is using looks identical (paint scheme wise) to the one Daley was using.

Also, I noticed for the first time some players using Vector 120's - is that a V120 that the Pen's player is using above against Malholtra?

They were using a lot of them at the AHL and ECHL level last year and I believe that player was in the AHL last season. I ended up with a couple dozen pro stock 120s thanks to some friends.

selling any in the near furtur chadd? :P

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The one that Manny is using looks identical (paint scheme wise) to the one Daley was using.

Also, I noticed for the first time some players using Vector 120's - is that a V120 that the Pen's player is using above against Malholtra?

They were using a lot of them at the AHL and ECHL level last year and I believe that player was in the AHL last season. I ended up with a couple dozen pro stock 120s thanks to some friends.

selling any in the near furtur chadd? :P

I don't like them or use them, PM if you want to discuss. This isn't the place for that.

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Is this the stick that was once affiliated with Sande?  I could be way off here, I don't know.

I believe there is some relationship but each has different ownership and management. It isn't related to the old Sande stick in any way.

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Just to clear a few things up about our stick.

1- The triangle stick has not been made in about 6 years. It was part of the research and development project.

2- Our stick is based on science and physics. To get the right feel on the ice, it took us about 8 years.

3- There has never been, and there never will be another stick like ours. It's more than just covex/concave design. It's designed with the strength of the Triangle in mind, so the sides of the stick are angeled as well. The stick has a a different support structure then the other sticks. When it's flexed, it wants to regain it's integrity faster, which adds more velocity to your shot.

4- This will be our first official year in the NHL. Do to the RBK sponsorship of the rest of pro-hockey, you will not be seeing our stick in the minor leagues except for a few top level players who are eligible to use our stick as long as we give them to the team.

5- Yes, Zach Parise used our stick, and so do a bunch of his friends. But Zach has a deal with Easton now. Cpunt on seeing our stick being used by at least one guy on every team in the NHL this season.

6- We are not a part of Sande hockey, but we use the same Pro Reps, and have worked NCAA deals together. Sande is currently working on a partnership with another major name, and I bet you will see a ton of their gloves everywhere from now on.

7- The Trilage stick will be available in stores sometime in '06.

I hope I answered some questions for you. Thanks for all of the e--mails and phone calls. More info is available on our web-site www.trilage.com

I'll try to keep checking back in you have any more questions.

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I have used the gold and silver pro model.. I liked it and would buy another... I would like to see it drop about 20 grams, or at least be more evenly weighted.

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LOL...two guys known for their wheels and not their hands...sorry, couldn't resist :)

They need all the help they can get, just like us. ;)

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