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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unofficial MSH Cell Phone

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Well I recently had to get a new cell phone for my Nextel plan and I came across a nice yellow and black Motorola. I have named it the Unofficial Phone of MSH. If anyone else has a cell they want to show off here is the place, it can also be a "Show Your Cell phone" thread.




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Didnt somebody make a CB logo a while ago for some cell phones? I dont know how but if somebody knows how they could make a background MSH logo (That is if its okay with the mods and everything).

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Actually it was simple, I did it through www.3gupload.com.

I should have some new MSH-branded stuff - possibly at the end of the week. Waiting for my samples - I'm sipping out of my MSH beer stein...

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I dunno.

3gupload was easy. Just uploaded, accessed the WAP site on my phone and downloaded it.

That only works with certain service providers right? I tryed it a few months ago and it wouldnt work (trying to get free ringers, games etc...) with verizion service.

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

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One of the funniest things I ever saw (not funny HA HA, but funny, like what the hell is happening to our society) was kid on a skateboard with a cell phone..must've been pre-teen.

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One of the funniest things I ever saw (not funny HA HA, but funny, like what the hell is happening to our society) was kid on a skateboard with a cell phone..must've been pre-teen.

Ask Jay what happens to people on skateboards...

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I dunno.

3gupload was easy.  Just uploaded, accessed the WAP site on my phone and downloaded it.

That only works with certain service providers right? I tryed it a few months ago and it wouldnt work (trying to get free ringers, games etc...) with verizion service.

Go to the site. Verizon is supported I believe.

It's only a few bucks. Krisrt4tin bought it - I just log in under her and change the cellphone number to mine and i'm set.

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

I'm 18 and I've had a cell phone for 5+ years. Yes my mom pays for it, but she does so that she can keep up with me. Its very nice to have with my friends and everything, but I could live without it.

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

I'm 18 and I've had a cell phone for 5+ years. Yes my mom pays for it, but she does so that she can keep up with me. Its very nice to have with my friends and everything, but I could live without it.


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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

Cell phones are a huge life saver. I dont know what your talking about. Having a cell phone isnt just for me to be popular, because everyone has one. Mine is to stay in contact with friends and family.

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.


I know I couldn't live without my cell phone, but then I'm in college. Probably didn't need it in HS, but most parents buy them for their kids so that they don't have to worry as much.

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