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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unofficial MSH Cell Phone

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lol, why do you want pics buddy? ;)

One time I was really mad and deleted all the pics of her off my computer... :unsure:

Heres her senior pic that I just scanned, its kinda scratched up from being in my wallet.


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I am 14 and I have a cell phone, but I don't have it to be cool, I use it to keep in touch with the fam. and friends, and my mom wanted me to get one becuase if I was ever out, and got seriously hurt, then I would be screwed, I can use my cell phone to call someone now...

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I like it a lot. And you can get it for $300 after rebates. I don't know if that's more than most people spend on cell's, but I thought it was pretty reasonable.

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I like it a lot. And you can get it for $300 after rebates. I don't know if that's more than most people spend on cell's, but I thought it was pretty reasonable.

$300 is a little much, but because I'm an existing customer and my upgrade date isn't until August, Verizon was going to charge me a lot more than that.

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I was pissed at t-mobile when I tried to switch phones. They would only give the rebate to new customers and I had to sign a new contract. Up until then, I had no problems with them.

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I was pissed at t-mobile when I tried to switch phones. They would only give the rebate to new customers and I had to sign a new contract. Up until then, I had no problems with them.

That's how they keep you!

For me to get my rebate on my phone, I had to sgin another 2 yr agreement. I don't have any problems with Sprint, Kristin's on it and a few other friends so I get the unlimited service to service calls.

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That's how they keep you!

For me to get my rebate on my  phone, I had to sgin another 2 yr agreement.  I don't have any problems with Sprint, Kristin's on it and a few other friends so I get the unlimited service to service calls.

Well, it didn't work. I was pissed and dropped them. Got the phone elsewhere, with rebate and only one year contract. I wouldn't have had a problem with a new contract, but there's no way that I wasn't going to get a rebate when I could just sign on elsewhere. I couldn't believe that they didn't try to keep a customer and were only concerned with signing new ones.

Up here Sprint sucks. But if everyone else had it, I'd probably sign on as well for the free sprint-to-sprint minutes.

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Ohhhh...I see what you did...sorry...read it wrong.

Sprint makes every customer eligible after 18 months - allows them to upgrade their phones. At that time, I was eligible so I did it. I had to sign another agreement.

I don't blame ya - I would've done the same thing. Did you at least get to keep your phone number?

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

i'm 14 and i pay for my monthly service!

so obidviusly you don't know what your talking about.

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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

i'm 14 and i pay for my monthly service!

so obidviusly you don't know what your talking about.

Im just curious, but how do those of u who are of not of legal working age pay for monthly service???


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I cant stand people in highschool or even lower who have cell phones, it's a popularity contest if you ask me. No 15 year old NEEDs a cell, they just want to be cool. I have a nice cell but it's not activated, becasue I dont need to use it and it's a complete waste of money. Another thing is 90% of these kids who have cell's make their parents pay for it while they sit on theyre ass all day whining about how they want stuff so they can be as cool as the next kid. The only way I wouldnt mind a young person with a cell is if they pay for it themselfs, which I know never happens.

i'm 14 and i pay for my monthly service!

so obidviusly you don't know what your talking about.

Im just curious, but how do those of u who are of not of legal working age pay for monthly service???


By getting varius neghborhood jobs and saving our money instead of spending it on crap. Like Babysitting i get $15 an hour for it and usually babysit from 6pm till 9 am, walking dogs and raking leavs shoveling snow when there is some and from teaching at a local hockey school and reffing.. :rolleyes:

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