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Battlefield 3 Public Beta

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Anyone been playing the Battlefield 3 Open Beta? Thoughts?

Its out on 360, PS3, and PC if anyone is interested. I've been playing quite a bit.

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I really like the game so far. I'm up to a 21, probably played around 50 games. The skill gap is emense.

Seeing as its just the Beta, I am not making any graphics calls, because it will get a lot better when they load up 100% of the game upon release. Lots of bugs they need to fix and I have every confidence that they will do so.

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It's a beta for a reason. They'll be changing a lot before release. Such as the sniper glint, laser dazzle, and that god awful tactical light. Definitely hit a few bugs with collision and dying/reviving that I've sent in. Hopefully those will be addressed. I wrote them up pretty much identical to how I write up bugs on my current project (same industry) so I would hope they take notice of that. Much better than: "This game sux u need 2 fix the sniper glint it is h00rible!11!!!1!1!!" - True story.

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It's a beta for a reason. They'll be changing a lot before release. Such as the sniper glint, laser dazzle, and that god awful tactical light. Definitely hit a few bugs with collision and dying/reviving that I've sent in. Hopefully those will be addressed. I wrote them up pretty much identical to how I write up bugs on my current project (same industry) so I would hope they take notice of that. Much better than: "This game sux u need 2 fix the sniper glint it is h00rible!11!!!1!1!!" - True story.

No doubt. Unfortunately my Battlelog isn't cooperating. Seems like it kicks me out after I try and log in. I have a few things that I think only have happened to me that I need to report.

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If you look at the bare bones gameplay, I'm really impressed with the game. The atmosphere/audio, the physics of the gun recoil/body movements, destruction of the environment, overall feel of the game is stellar in my opinion. The bugs and glitches are expected with a beta, especially when you consider how many people are playing it, and that they only have one map. If anything the beta increased my excitement for the full release by a wide margin.

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I really wish they'd scrap the whole battlelog system and have it built into the game. If they want it for stats (what I heard the reasoning for the website based desing) thats one thing, but at least in the beta joining as a party and getting in the same squad is a nightmare.

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I really wish they'd scrap the whole battlelog system and have it built into the game. If they want it for stats (what I heard the reasoning for the website based desing) thats one thing, but at least in the beta joining as a party and getting in the same squad is a nightmare.

The game, as it is in the beta (for consoles), is about a month and a half old. They are using the beta primarily to test the backend of the game and the new servers (dedicated for consoles too!). 99% of the glitches have been fixed, including the partying up, and such problems. Were actually playing a build of the game in between the Alpha and Beta builds.

The real game will be a lot of things that the beta isn't. For one, the graphics will be amped up big time. The hitmarker system will be revamped so that moving targets aren't impossible to hit at times, and so that you actually get hitmarkers more consistently. Go to Battlefield's Twitter page to see all the things they are updating.

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