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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weak spots in pants

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So I've been wearing some old itech pants since i started playing hockey about 5 years ago. Right now I have two huge bruises on the inside of each of my very lower thighs, just above the knee and inside, almost halfway behind. I seem to get pucks hitting me here pretty regularly. Do other pants offer more protection in these areas or is this a "hot spot" for all pants. I know these things are old so maybe all new pants have addressed this. Like I said, I've only ever used these.


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turn into the puck and take it off the pads

Yup, square up and face the shot, keep your legs together, you should have padding from your nuts down.

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Goalie pants have padding there, that's about it. You can buy some padded compression shorts that should provide additional protection. Squaring up to the puck is always a good idea but sometime the puck just has a tendency to find its way wherever it wants!

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Goalie pants have padding there, that's about it. You can buy some padded compression shorts that should provide additional protection. Squaring up to the puck is always a good idea but sometime the puck just has a tendency to find its way wherever it wants!

since he said it's happening regularly, it sounds like an awareness/technique issue

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Yeah, technique is definitely an issue. I don't wear shoulders so I usually chicken out at the last second when facing a slapper head on. That leads to me turning away a bit and taking the puck in weird areas. I'll try to tune the technique; I just wasn't sure if newer pants had addressed this area. Thanks for the input.

I'll look into those EQ50s too. Thanks goalie.

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Yeah, technique is definitely an issue. I don't wear shoulders so I usually chicken out at the last second when facing a slapper head on. That leads to me turning away a bit and taking the puck in weird areas. I'll try to tune the technique;

My suggestion:If you're afraid of a slapper hitting you in the chest, get closer or get out of the way.

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