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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok ai9

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i want the reebok ai9 when it comes out in 2 weeks but does reebok make a lidstrom clone?

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hopefully i can find a one with a spezza curve this weekend

The A.i 9 will be available in the Phaneuf P36A curve which is similar to the old Spezza.

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well i hope my lhs gets some in. i went today and they only had datsyuk and crosby curves

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I bought an AI5 and played with it on Sun. Couple observations:

1 - this is likely the best "budget" stick I've ever bought. Feels and plays much better than $99.

2 - when comparing it to my sickkick 8K, it appears that rbk has slightly changed the Datsyuk curve. The blade is a touch longer, the curve is a bit less deep, and the lie is a bit higher - maybe at 5.5 vs. the 5 that last year's played at. Can anyone else confirm, or is this production variances?

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I bought an AI5 and played with it on Sun. Couple observations:

1 - this is likely the best "budget" stick I've ever bought. Feels and plays much better than $99.

2 - when comparing it to my sickkick 8K, it appears that rbk has slightly changed the Datsyuk curve. The blade is a touch longer, the curve is a bit less deep, and the lie is a bit higher - maybe at 5.5 vs. the 5 that last year's played at. Can anyone else confirm, or is this production variances?


Thanks for the feedback on the A.i 5 performance. I can confirm that the Datsyuk blade hasn't changed.


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Question for Ollie: Is the stiffness of the Ai9 comparable to the 11k, where most folks had to drop down a flex?

Our research with NHL players showed that approximately 50% of them preferred a stick with a stiff taper while the other half preferred a soft taper. Since the 11K is a constant shaft with a soft taper, we built the A.i 9 with a constant shaft with a stiff taper. So to answer your question, the A.i 9 is stiffer in the taper than the 11K.

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its a very good stick. its the same stick as the ai9, except is more traditionally made (speer technology IIRC) instead of a true one piece. we sell quite a bit and many have played with the ai9, and are happy they bought the ai7 because they don't feel any performance slipage.

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Personally the Ai9 is the most natural feeling stick I have used since wood. There was a learning curve coming from low kick sticks (all models of easton stealth from day 1 and some warrior dolomites), but once you get "used" to the stick there was no issue. I play quite hard and often and have just now started to see the first stick trying to break (little crack forming on the blade backhand side). Other than that completely fine. I really like these sticks and will be buying a few more in the next few days for my season. Money starts to play a role shipping to New Zealand.

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Can anyone compare the Ai9 to the feel and shooting of the one95 or Total One? I'm wondering how Reebok's mid kick option compares to Bauer's.

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I bought a total one 2 piece to try last year and the kick point seemed to be right at my bottom hand. If that was a mid kick then the ai9 is a mid-low kick. It's also different because different walls are "softer" in the two sticks. Reebok in my opinion did the right thing. They went up the shaft but elongated the taper so its technically a low kick with the flex point of a mid. If that makes any sense.

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