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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Discount Codes

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I'm going to be placing a fairly large order within the next day or so and I was just wondering if anyone had any coupon or discount codes at any major online hockey store like Perani's, Great Skate, Hockey Monkey, Hockey Giant, etc.

Thanks a lot

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The new website I mentioned in one of the topic titles, www.hockeyempire.com, has a discount code for 10% off all orders of $50 or more placed by March 15.


Now who wants to be the first guinea pig to order from them?

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The new website I mentioned in one of the topic titles, www.hockeyempire.com, has a discount code for 10% off all orders of $50 or more placed by March 15.


Now who wants to be the first guinea pig to order from them?

If they sold tapered Inno 1100 shafts in either a 300 or 340 (whip) flex, i'd gladly be the guinea pig ;).

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I'm going to be placing a fairly large order within the next day or so and I was just wondering if anyone had any coupon or discount codes at any major online hockey store like Perani's, Great Skate, Hockey Monkey, Hockey Giant, etc.

Thanks a lot

i know you live in south florida, but do you have any stores near you??? go speak to the manager, tell him/her you are interested in buying quite a bit, he/she may help you out on the price... make sure you get what fits, and what you like, and help keep your local store in business, or you might not have a local store soon!

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