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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are you this crazy about hockey?

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I'd never do it, but I thought this was kind of cool, from the Dad giving his daughter away, to the Oilers and Canucks vows. Not to mention, a pair of NBH Vapors peeking out of under a wedding dress...one of the coolest images ever.

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Absolutely beautiful; and the rink was perfectly pristine. I wonder how the bride's family reacted to this? From my personal background, it'd probably contain a lot of "AIYAAAA!!" s :laugh:

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Yup! We've been together for almost 4 yrs now and even though he knows I'm in absolutely no hurry for the ring, it's been made clear that we are getting married on the ice whenever the time comes lol. I don't have details planned out or anything crazy like that, but with hockey being how we met, and where we know almost all of our friends from, it seems appropriate.

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What? No tuxedo hockey jerseys? :ohmy:

Should have done a send off like the USMC does, with hockey stick instead of swords.


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  • Funny you should mention the swords... we did that with hockey sticks at a buddy's wedding. The whole team just snuck our hockey sticks and team jerseys (washed off course) into the wedding. The groom didnt know what was happening until they opened the doors and saw all of us on the sides of the aisles holding our hockey sticks...

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