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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Look at what Santa dropped off early...

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I do like it, I kind've wish it came out in Synthesis though.

I was thinking the same thing. I'm tired of going through the hassle of cutting and grinding whenever I snap the blade of an OPS. But I suppose I will never become tired (or smart) enough to stop buying them, so I guess I get what I deserve.

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Ya, and if they are phasing out the Synergy line it'd be nice to see a top of the line shaft to replace the "two-piece Synergy" as well.

...If they do, I bet it will be a whacky color.

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i thought the two pice synergy was the senthesis, I wonder what the color and performance it will be if they make a new one.

It is. I am wonder/hoping, that since they are upgrading the Synergy and other OPs, they will also come out with a newer tapered shaft. I hate the shape of the Synergy line, this looks thinner (but may not be).

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I don't know how Kolarik will respond to that, but I felt that in the cockles of my heart.

Maybe even below the cockle, maybe the sub-cockle area, maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys, maybe even in the colon, we don't know. ;)

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All available in regular and grip.

No si-core? How will the minions be able to use a stick that doesn't give them hands?!!?!?!?

yeah, my friend just broke his si core, and easton said they will be giving him a sicore grip for a warranty replacement instead.

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