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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Stick Are You Currently Using

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Int. Synthesis with normal Modano wood blade

95 Pro-stock Synergy Si-core shaft with a Drury Hybrid

Ultra Lite Wood 105 with Modano curve.

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Currently using a cheap Easton Octane shaft for roller, and an old Nike Quest as my backup. Waiting to get an old Z-Bubble (the green ones) off Ebay, which would be my first choice.

Blades - I used Easton Leetch ones, but can't find 'em any more, and my last one broke. I'm currently using an old Titan Selanne one, an ABS/Wood one, if I recall correctly...

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I'm on my last Sullivan Response, if anyone knows where I can find one in R or S flex, let me know.

Current backups:

Ranheim Synergy, nice curve but feels like crap

Tri-core with pro stock "Wilson" wood blade

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Im currently using a vector shaft (not a broken OPS) with an inno standard mogilny blade. Great combo. The shaft is going on a year, however its pretty much done, and the blade 3 months. Would highly recommend either the blade or the shaft seperate or together as a combo. Next, I wanna try out a rubber response, vapor XX, vector 120, or a m2 w/inno or ptc blade.

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Z-Bubble Grip 100F; Modano retail Z-Carb.

T-Flex 85F; recurved retail R2 woodie, used to be a Messier.

Inno 1100 5/260 (needs new blade)

Grip Lite 100F (needs new blade)

All sticks shortened, all sticks way too stiff.

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Synergy Si-Core, Intermediate, Sakic curve, LH

Synergy Grip, blade broken, Synthesis Sakic blade, Intermediate (but stiff from being cut)

Sherwood Taper Flex, 65 flex, with: bauer 4000 blade's (P106), bauer 6000 blade's (P106) and sherwood 950 blades (Crosby)

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Currently Using:

(x2) Easton Ultra Lite with Bauer 6000 blade (Lindros pattern)

But my backups right now are:

Innovative 1100 tapered shaft with Synthesis Comp. Modano blade

Andrew Brunette Pro stock Nike Quest 1 OPS

Buchberger Pro Easton Synergy Si-Core

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easton green t-flex 110 flex w/easton whitney z-carb t-flex blade

inno dandenault tapered shaft soft grip 220 flex w/easton whitney synth blade

been messing with an ultra-lite 110 flex w/inno fedorov blade. hoping to score some brand new titan 10000 shafts that i found.

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Easton Stealth Sakic... its all ive even wanted to touch since it has came out... im my eyes the stealth sis not disappoint me one bit. it actually was above the expectaions i had for it. all my backups are stealths

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1. Innovative soft grip tapered Novius with Inno Kovalev blade

2. Pro stock Sundin Inno Novius

3. TPS XN10 P19

4. TPS Response P31

5. TPS Redlite XN10 with Inno Kovalev blade

6. Easton Hull Ultralite with Drury Z-carb

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1. Innovative soft grip tapered Novius with Inno Kovalev blade

2. Pro stock Sundin Inno Novius

3. TPS XN10 P19

4. TPS Response P31

5. TPS Redlite XN10 with Inno Kovalev blade

6. Easton Hull Ultralite with Drury Z-carb

You use all these sticks? Damn. If you are trying to put us to shame with your collection, dont bother, Ponty is packing tons of heat...

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Pro stock 85 flex Stealths? Whose pattern?

No certain player's pattern. No name on the sticker. Soft mid/heel with some loft, round toe, 5 lie. Looks exactly like Modano with loft.

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i have the xn-10 in a brendl curve, easton stealth, synergy grip yellow, synergy silver all in lindstrom, L-2 and M-1 in hull, i mainly use the L-2. i find it to be light. but i also use my xn-10. ill use the xn-10 over the stealth any day. i dont like the feel of the stealth.

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