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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Baking / Eyelets moving

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I know this may seem silly, but I want to know. Is it normal for the eyelets in a Bauer one80 skate to move after baking? I purchased a pair a few days ago and had them baked today. The guy that baked them followed the directions to a "T". I stayed seated and tied them lose, just enough to form the foot. He used a "Bauer Oven" and told me that skates will be ok. I believe him because it happened to my 8090's and they lasted six years. I wanted to know what you guys thought. When I came home and changed out the laces, I noticed that every eyelet had moved the thickness of a finger nail.

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Looks like the black material on the outside has a finger nail indentation. Almost as the black material moved, but not the rigid material underneath.....If that makes sense?

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When you bake your skates (175 degrees) and then tie them, you need to be very careful to pull OUT and not put pressure on the eyelet. I'd be concerned about this.

I am going to skate on them tomorrow night. I guess I will see then. Just sucks, they are brand new and I paid 40 bucks to have them profiled.

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When you bake your skates (175 degrees) and then tie them, you need to be very careful to pull OUT and not put pressure on the eyelet. I'd be concerned about this.


I've seen people pull hot skates out of the oven then use all their might to crank down on the laces to make them tight as possible. Then they bitch because they rip the eyelets right out of the boot.

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That isn't normal, and that sucks for you.

Hopefully they didn't damage as bad as I think, but when you bake skates, you should never pull up on the laces but to the sides out (like a Velociraptor bro).

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The link doesn't seem to be working.

Take that back. Just looked at your pic. Some of the eyelets on my One100LE's look like that after baking. I pulled outwards on the laces and it still happened. Mine haven't changed since then (April 2011). I don't think it's a real issue unless the eyelets have worked themselves loose.

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The link doesn't seem to be working.

Take that back. Just looked at your pic. Some of the eyelets on my One100LE's look like that after baking. I pulled outwards on the laces and it still happened. Mine haven't changed since then (April 2011). I don't think it's a real issue unless the eyelets have worked themselves loose.

Seems to be a Bauer thing. My 8090's and my daughters Vapor's did the same thing. I had my 8090's six years and had no issues. I took a pair of calipers and measured each eyelet. After I skate tonight I will measure again. I called the shop back and he is insisting that I have nothing to worry about. He truly feels it is the black material on the outside that moved. The eyelets still feel rigid. If you look on the inside of the boot, it looks like they haven't moved at all. The shop I went to is mainly known for profiling and sharpening. Now he sells graf and I had to hear how bad Bauer is...I wanted to pull my hair out. BTW, After baking the one80 feels excellent. I think I can honestly say it is the best fitting skate I have ever had. I had a pair of CCM U10's, but I could not get my heel to lock. I skate tonight and cannot wait to see how they perform. Thanks for the input guys!

You're fine; those eyelets are smaller than "standard" eyelets and don't press the same either as they are more rounded.

Thanks, Good to hear. I feel better now. JR, I read your bio... Tampa bay... that had to be exciting.

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What store? I see you're from MI.

As for your comment re: bio; it wasn't that exciting.

Sorry to hear it wasn't that exciting.. Bruno s hockey shop. My brother starting going there and he now does all my blade work. I took the skates there to get the maximum edge done and he baked them. I asked about the eyelet situation prior to baking and he wasn't concerned. When I brought them home I replaced the laces and noticed they moved.

What store? I see you're from MI.

As for your comment re: bio; it wasn't that exciting.

100x prouder of what I've built here than what I did for TBL.

This is a great site/forum. My brother used to be on here years ago. He is a A!@). My daughter now skates and I coach. I love this site/forum. you guys have something great here.

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...I think I know/remember who your brother is.

Yep. I purchased the 8090's from him and a buddy of mine purchased the Vapor XXX. he has bad foot/ankle issues and gave up completely. I believe you helped him out when you were at a LHS in MI. I have similar issues, but have them somewhat under control. Here is something I bet he never told you....he was a goalie most of his life. He always based his skating abilities on his goalie abilities, meaning he was a good goalie ,but not a great skater. I was a player my whole life and we never saw eye to eye when it came to skating. He would pronate and needed to condition his legs, but never did. Just went around blaming his lack of abilities on other people. I am pretty sure you guys kicked him off of here. He regrets it all now, he comes to my daughters games and helps us out off-ice.

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I knew he was a goalie. I also knew he couldn't handle advice.

Glad to hear he's doing well.

LOL!!! Again thanks for your input, I am a lot more relaxed about my skates.

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Happy to report that the skates did very well. The eyelets did not move at all and the skate was a huge improvement over the 8090's. Heel lock and power transfer was exceptional.

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