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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan / P10

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Hey guys so I was reading through other topics about what curve Claude Giroux is using, and I couldn't find my next questions in a search, so please direct me if this has already been brought up.

I was wondering who makes this curve, being a Shanahan/P10... Sherwood, Easton, Combat, etc... I'd really like to give this curve a go, and hopefully it comes in a 6 lie.


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The Cammelleri curve was previoulsy a Shannahan clone. It is now the nre name for the old Zetterburg... You can find S19 's and ST's with it. Try IceWarehouse or TotalHockey.

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I was wondering the same thing only, where can I find just blades in a Shanny curve?

I have been wanting to try this curve for a bit too. Unfortunately, as far as I know, the only replacement blades that come in the Shanny/P10 are older model blades.

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All Easton S19's that are on clearance racks right now in CAMMALLERRI curve are the shanahan/p10 get em while theyre around!! BEWARE new RS cammallerri's are previous zetterberg pattern

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Does anyone know if the S19 P2 Cammalleri come in 75 flex or just the 85 and 100, I've been seeing online. Been desperate to find a 75 flex.

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How badly i want this curve/blade

P10s are impossible to find.

Is the Vanek warrior the closest sub? Or the p89?

Sorry to say that the Vanek Warrior (my curve of choice) is no longer being made either. No it's not the Shanny, it's the Darby pro curve in an Eastom.. The Shanny is more a shallow Heatley (mid curve) slightly open

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