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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Red Bull Crashed Ice

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I can just see someone getting infront of me, stopping and blowing out my knees.

Yesh..that woould be a killer. Or even someone getting you from behind and taking out your feet.

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Skates, hockey equipment, ice, checking ect..... Ive also heard thoes terms in hockey.

Sounds awsome, If on TV i would watch for sure. Sounds like something from MXC.

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Skates, hockey equipment, ice, checking ect..... Ive also heard thoes terms in hockey.

Sounds awsome, If on TV i would watch for sure. Sounds like something from MXC.

Uhhh, so people who wear gloves at public skate are hockey players? Come on, this has nothing to do with hockey. They claim it does in their description, but it has nothing to do with hockey. Just because you wear equiptment dosent mean your a hockey player

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Right...Thats why the description says "A combination of hockey, downhill skating and bodercross" it never says there hockey players. Maybe like some would say rugby is a combination of football and soccer maybe.

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It looks awesome but they shoulda put "ice skating" - or to make it more hardcore they coulda put "extreeeeemmme ice skating" - adding extreeeeemme with many ee's and mm's makes it more heavy somehow...

Plus if they were gonna call it hockey they should have sticks, otherwise it's just a skate slalom in my eyes...

Elle xxx

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