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Doctor Hook

The Definitive Ice Hockey vs Roller Hockey throwdown

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So this is a question for all bi-hockeyexuals. You know who you are...you play both ice AND roller hockey...sometimes in the same day! None of you ONLY roller or ONLY hockey or ONLY dudes opinions. Kidding.

But seriously...which version of hockey do you prefer and why?

And special bonus question: What are some differences between roller hockey culture and ice hockey culture? example: roller hockey players tend to be younger, ice hockey players don't drink light beer, etc. etc.

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I play both.

I prefer inline as I have always found the passing and scoring is more the aim of the game rather than ice where it has a more physical play about it. That being said I do enjoy putting a hit on. Hence I play both. Also stick handling and dangles are better when playing inline :)

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I personally don't like to see roller pants in ice hockey and vice versa.

But that's just me..."Dr. Traditional Look". <---that's the Korean translation of "Doctor Hook".

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ice all the way: faster skating, faster paced game, skating moves you can't do on inline, ability to instantly stop on a dime in any position, puck that doesn't feel like a kids toy, teammates that actually understand position and defense, less selfish players, higher skilled players, way better goalies, players don't get bent out of shape from a little contact, players know how to keep their sticks down, better refs, more fun to watch (my wife likes my ice games and can't stand watching inline), better coaches, more players, better controlled leagues, on and on and on

inline advantages: cheap to play, ability to play outdoors year roundoh and i don't feel old playing ice. with the inline crowd, i'm ancient (33)

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I play both, but prefer roller. The pace and quick rushes are extremely fun to play in, especially at higher levels. Though I don't play in a high level ice, so the pace is a bit slower anyways. Also, many people say that roller is all about style, but I think younger ice players think about style much more than roller players do.

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I play both, but prefer roller. The pace and quick rushes are extremely fun to play in, especially at higher levels. Though I don't play in a high level ice, so the pace is a bit slower anyways. Also, many people say that roller is all about style, but I think younger ice players think about style much more than roller players do.

i don't get it.  i have never seen a fast paced inline game.  even top level games i've watched on the internet are extremely slow paced compared to competitive ice hockey.  the skating speed is just not there.  where i play there is A, B, C and D inline leagues.  and for ice we have A/B/C, D1, D2 and I.  The A level inline league is about the same speed as a C level ice.  everyone that plays both can skate faster on ice and this includes hard turns which keep the game speed up.  hard turns on inline are nonexisting because you simply cant grip like you can when you have good edge control on the ice.

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Have you watched NARCH? Travel teams are much faster than house league teams imo.

And generally slower than most minor league hockey and that's essentially what the top level NARCH teams are.

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Yes, that's true, I wasn't looking at it that way. I'm just saying that if your playing on an outdoor rink in house league, its hard to compare it to an ice league. Also, if you play on a nicer floor you can cut and turn similar to on ice. Though nothing really does compare to skating on ice.

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inline :) having a great team, good team work, can play more physical than ice (here on ice most of people will pissed off if you touch them). however, for skating i still prefer ice hockey.

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I prefer skating on ice (due to the faster turns and stopping mentioned), but I prefer the game of inline. Four on Four with no offsides definitely leads to more time with the puck (or ball depending on the league...I do prefer using a puck) and increased offence. You don't have to worry about a nice rush or play being whistled dead due to an offside. Inline generally also seems to be a much cleaner game. I do prefer an ice hockey puck to an inline ball or puck. I suppose my ideal would be 4 on 4 ice with no offsides, icing or two line passes; which is essentially pond hockey.

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Yes, that's true, I wasn't looking at it that way. I'm just saying that if your playing on an outdoor rink in house league, its hard to compare it to an ice league. Also, if you play on a nicer floor you can cut and turn similar to on ice. Though nothing really does compare to skating on ice.

We don't have organized outdoor leagues, only indoor sport court or wood tile. I wish we did have real outdoor games though.

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I grew up playing both, and played different positions in both(goalie = ice, player = inline). Its a tough toss up between the two. Ice is far more organized and respected. There is a level of credibility ice has that inline does not.

High level inline has some very, very physical play. There are not huge hits..but the level of body play is very high. I think the speed of inline seems slower because there is more overall space( 4v4 vs 5v5 ) and therefore more time to hold the puck, as well as a great chance of odd man rushes combined with the lack of icing and offsides. The good teams in inline have stellar puck movement, as well as great hands.

I play inline 5-12 times a week depending on tournaments, and ice twice a week. After a certain age, playing competitive ice becomes less of a reality, whereas with inline it extends long, long after you're past your "prime." I wish Inline was taken more seriously, and there are some definite changes that need to happen sport wide for that to happen.

Overall I prefer inline, but if I never lost my chance to play high level ice due to injury, it would most definitely be Ice.

Answering the bonus question: Inline is flashy. Style is at a premium. Ice is more traditional, basic styling and simple looks. I think both have the general hockey roots with an abundance of beer, chirping, broads, road trips and team bonding.

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Ice is more of a challenge which makes it more fun. I can play A level inline without a whole lot of effort and remain competitive while I have to work hard to be a middle of the pack C league Ice player

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Love the responses and thoughts. I am a lifelong ice player who just started roller last year out of curiousity and an excuse get more exercise and of course to buy more equipment. Haven't joined a roller league yet (just played pickup/inline skated by myself few times) but this could be the year.

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I love the effortless glide on ice. The quick starts and stops with relatively little energy are marvelous little details that make me love ice skating and the ice game.

But when you live in the southern US and simply need to play hockey for cheap, roller hockey can be your savior.

The nearest ice rink is a good ways away and I've got to save up for months to play mens league. Meanwhile my town's local outdoor inline rink has a 3-month long season with 4 teams stocked with decent talent for $50. That just cannot be beat.

The two games are different in very significant ways, but for a lot of people in my region of the country, hockey is hockey and I'm glad the roller game is there for us.

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The two games are different in very significant ways, but for a lot of people in my region of the country, hockey is hockey and I'm glad the roller game is there for us.


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