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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Runners with Carbon Fiber

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We had a customer come in to our shop and mentioned they were out of town and saw skate blades that had carbon fiber on them. Their discription was not very good all I could imagine would be a new form of fusion steel with carbon fiber instead of aluminum any. Anybody hear or see something like this ??

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Carbon runners are of the lowest quality, soft, and doesn't hold an edge as well. You can ID a carbon runner by noticing that they have plenty of 'streaks' in the metal, whereas a better runner would be virtually texture free.

edit : SolarWind would also be correct, as BlackEdge has a carbon coating

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There is a difference between carbon steel and carbon fiber. Very hard to mistake one for the other.

My guess would be CCM Rocket Runners, just a guess though.

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i doubt he is talking about rocket runners, if he has just now heard about them, and hes working at a hockey shop, i feel that would be odd.

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Rocket Runners are stainless with a plastic frame. Black Edge are high carbon with a DLC (Diamond Like Coating), which is very different than both low carbon steel and high carbon steel. Carbon fibre cannot be a skate runner.

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The original Razor Bladz was composite - the green one was graphite and kevlar, the red down-spec'd one had fiberglass in it. But that's a holder.

I'm sure the guy heard "Carbon" and figured carbon fiber.

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Yeah it is not the carbon steel that the companies are moving twords in their low end skates, nor was it rocket runners. I did a little looking into the blackedge steel and from the sounds of it that may have been what the customer had seen, like JR said the guy most likely heard "carbon" and figured carbon fiber.

Has anyone skated on that blackedge steel ? I have skated on the Velocity Step Steel and what a huge difference, great quality steel for skating on as well as sharpening.

Always looking for something new and exciting for the customers.....As well as myself

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Yeah it is not the carbon steel that the companies are moving twords in their low end skates, nor was it rocket runners. I did a little looking into the blackedge steel and from the sounds of it that may have been what the customer had seen, like JR said the guy most likely heard "carbon" and figured carbon fiber.

Has anyone skated on that blackedge steel ? I have skated on the Velocity Step Steel and what a huge difference, great quality steel for skating on as well as sharpening.

Always looking for something new and exciting for the customers.....As well as myself

Yeah it is not the carbon steel that the companies are moving twords in their low end skates, nor was it rocket runners. I did a little looking into the blackedge steel and from the sounds of it that may have been what the customer had seen, like JR said the guy most likely heard "carbon" and figured carbon fiber.

Has anyone skated on that blackedge steel ? I have skated on the Velocity Step Steel and what a huge difference, great quality steel for skating on as well as sharpening.

Always looking for something new and exciting for the customers.....As well as myself


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That doesn't necessarily mean it is of as high quality as the steels currently used in high end skates.

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