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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Nexus Skate Pricing

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Been doing some (borderline obsessive) snooping on the 'net to find out more about the release date of the Nexus 800s and trying to find price info.

Google cache searches reveal HockeyMonkey and Playersbench.com will be offering the Nexus 800 in senior sizes for $599.99, which puts them right at the Vapor X7.0 price point, as expected. The 600 is going to hit HockeyMonkey at $349.99 as a sale price, and the 400 will be around $190. Thought some people here would be interested in confirmation.

Sidebar: at the price of the 800, I'd rather have the X7.0 LE

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Be aware that the nexus will fit very different from the vapor line of skates.

Yeah, if the Vapor doesn't fit you, it's not really much of a choice.

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It's redunkulous how much skates cost haha. The way prices are these days, $600 seems like a pretty reasonable price for a newly released model.

The 800 is not the top-end Nexus skate. The 1000 will be much more pricier.

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