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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i already posted a while ago in this thread that STEALTHS are comming out in intermediate and even JR. for 05.. as for the replacement blades... still the same... and still have the sicore blade... the si core stick however is cancelled for 05

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oops im a tool! read that one wrong! lol.... yes there is gonna be 85, 100, 100 flex in Sr for the stealth..... and the new intermediate flex is 65 is u missed that as well

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If you look under the picture of the Easton gloves you can see all the way on the left at the bottom they're offering last year's Synergy model in the pro stock form, the same gloves Heatley and Fedotanko wear. They should make that retail and not custom order only.

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So will the Stealth Grip be available in April? Also if you saw the Stealth Grip is it basically the same color scheme as the Canada Stealth?

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Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa there nelly...did I just read that the Stealth Jr. is gonna way 295 grams?????!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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  Morrow said:
Looks like it doesnt have the red at the top like the Canadian one.
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Are you looking at the same pic of the Stealth Grip that I am? It appears to be red, please disregard my question about the Stealth Grip looking like the Canada Stealth.

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i dont like the look of the Rbk skates personally... they look like friggen cheap Sherwood skates! LOL. I think they will sell really well though... u guys know the synergy skate is comming out in Jr sizes as well!? wow...

anyway... about the Endure... Very good concepts on it... but its not going to be of the best performence.. they rubber insert on the blade kinda puzzels me as well as to how it will work out etc.... and why put it at THAT point in the blade you know? they say its to prevent from blade splitage etc... ive had TONS of 1pcs and not a single one has broken or split there ever... and i see stuff everyday as well... dont think i have seen anyones been too affected there actually... lol. now that im done ranting about that... This year for Bauer is more of a bypass year i think. lol. they didnt change much on the vapor xxx skates. the vapor xxx stick is just a damn inno tru-1 (really now do some R&D and get back to us) and the gloves... not a biggie.... i think the reason theyre doing this is because in 06 i BELIEVE they are comming out with a totally new line that is supposed to be technology never before seen on a skate etc... so that will be interesting to see! Props to Easton already this year.... theyre gonna kick some ass.... with Rbk making an impact like it already is and Graf apparently is supposed to switch their liner to a clorino hydrophobic anti-microbial liner (8090 type) to limit water-logging and add longevity to the skate... i dont see bauer succeeding to well this year actually at all.

The Rbk helmet is lighter and more comfortable then any helmet out there right now..... yes really lighter

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Mint not sure if someone asked but in the catalog how much is the weight on st and sl?

Just curious!

and did they show the new blades curve (Gaborik! plz even if we know its a yezerman 5.5 lie)

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  MINT said:
yes the stealth grip will be available in an 85... its available sr, intermediate, and JR!! :huh:

any other OPS do not have 75 flex however there is the usual shafts that have the 75

im gonna be out for a bit guys.... so ill check Q&A later tonite.. keep em comming.. you guys have only scratched the surface (well maybe a bit more) lol

haha ill explain the Rbk helmet later

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hey when will the easton stealths intermediate 75 flex and junior flexes be sold in shops ????????????

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What colors will the Reebok helmet come in? It was hard to tell from that first pic (maybe a hires pic could be taken?), looked like two white ones for example? And are there any new Vector sticks?

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  stix04 said:
Are those Pro Tacks Goalie skates? Because the Ankle looks waaaay to low to be a regular skate.
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Thats what I was wondering, that I thought it was just me.

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  Petey21 said:
What colors will the Reebok helmet come in? It was hard to tell from that first pic (maybe a hires pic could be taken?), looked like two white ones for example? And are there any new Vector sticks?
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the v130 is coming out (or is already out). and also, what is that stick beside the new nike skate in your picture MINT? the red one. :huh:

EDIT: i now think that its the endure? im guessing by the rubber reinforcement that is shown on top of the blade, but why is it beside the nike skate, will there be a nike version?

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no they just show it as like an intro in the book... you know? and Speed Demon... yes i do take these pics etc.. but theres much more to it then that... our depth of knowledge goes far further then you realize. We have meetings etc. with companies months in advance to preview product. We are usually the first to see it. Most companies only see this product at the hockey trade show in February(in Canada) we have already seen it. Having a close relation with companies is awesome. How did you think I knew about the Graf and Clorino? Because we speek to the president alot... He called us....

Anyway.. ill get some Hi-Res pics up of those helmet colours today probably and as for the ST i think its available in only 2 patterns... ill have to double that one. Dont get too excited though its a pretty heavy stick!

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expect the Intermediate and Jr. stealths to be available in April.... NO those are actually the pro tacks!!! LOL. I dont even look at the goalie stuff... thats not my thing. lol. As for the weights etc. on product.... if you read back they are all listed somewhere

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