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Hockey Injuries

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What kind of hockey injuries have you had? I've broken my hand (3rd practice this year), and broken my collarbone.(3 weeks after getting hand cast off, first shift in tournament) :(

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i jammed my thumb joint on my left hand by sliding into the boards during tryouts. and doc said chances are the swelling will never go back down to original, and i cannot move my thumb as much as my good one...worst injury i could imagine. my thumbs very sensitive now and starts flaming in pain with the slightest bump. i could sit a month or two out to let it heal some, but i don't think so haha

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it's the worst injury you can imagine though. it's one of those ones that will never completely heal, like a broken bone will. the joint is jammed, as well as all the ligaments surrounding it. and pressure pushing in on my thumb sets it off back to its original pain when i first hurt it

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i haven't been playing for very long, so this is my only injury so far. [knock on wood]

i got hit in the mouth with a puck a few nights ago...luckily, it's not bad at all though. somebody convinced me to wear a mouthguard, but i couldn't breath with it in so i took it out. within a couple shifts, somebody on the other team gave a shitty pass, kind of flipped up at my shins as i was poke checking him, and it kind of deflected off my shaft, straight up at my mouth.

it loosened a tooth a little, but now it's fine. my teeth cut up my upper lip and the lip turned black on the inside for a couple days...now it's getting better but it hurts more from the cuts, and the outside is turning black now. it looked like i had a stroke or something. i mean, it looks pretty gross still but it could have been a lot worse :]

it went numb right away, so i kept playing and got the game winner with only a few minutes left.

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broken wrist

cracked rib

stitches over eyes x2

broken nose

stiches on left cheekbone (under eye)

split open chin...alot

elbow bursitis-really painful and a bad nagging injury

been pretty lucky though in the serious injury department

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i jammed my thumb joint on my left hand by sliding into the boards during tryouts. and doc said chances are the swelling will never go back down to original, and i cannot move my thumb as much as my good one...worst injury i could imagine. my thumbs very sensitive now and starts flaming in pain with the slightest bump. i could sit a month or two out to let it heal some, but i don't think so haha

Wow the exact same thing happened to me (except that I fell with all my weight and another guy's weight on top of me.)

It happened about 2 months ago. I went to get it X-rayed the following day and nothing was fractured. I still don't have much mobility and it hurts like hell if it's stretched even the least bit.

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Only major thing was last year I tore my MCL in two places. I went for my year-after MRI and my knee guy says it didn't heal like it was supposed to, and I did some damage to my ACL too :S More than likely gonna need surgury, he was talking about grafting part of my hamstring to reconstruct my MCL, and taking some small ligament out of my shoulder to repair the ACL.

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A year after I started playing, I fell backwards and extended my right arm to break my fall (worst.idea.ever.)

I literally broke my arm in half. It looked like I had two elbows. I had major surgery and two 4 inch rods and 8 screws were put in to put it back together (and straight).

Three years later, I was playing in a roller tournament in La Mesa, CA. I clear the puck out of my zone on the backhand and a d-man on the other team slams my arm into the boards with his body. I broke the ulna in the same arm, right where the rod ended and had to have that rod taken out, and in it's place they put in an 11 inch rod and nine more screws.

That was in '95 and I still have those damn plates in!

Other injuries -

Lacerated L pinky finger - twice (all my weight + butt end of stick collapsing on my pinky- basically my finger popped open like a grape).

Cracked rib

Two concussions

Numerous bruises, cuts, etc...

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I get tagged on the foot about once or twice a season. I'm always trying to block shots and sometimes I'm not set and I catch it on the inside or outside of my foot.

Usually they bruise up, feel a little tender, but nothing serious. Just like someone kicked you hard. But this Sunday I got hit and I'm going to see the doctor today cause it's brusing in a wrong place, still pretty tender, and funky to walk on. I think i've got a small break this time.

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Newbie here. My worst injury came almost 2 months ago. Spiral fracture in my leg, dislocated ankle, and all the ligaments torn in and around my ankle. Now have 2 plates, 9 screws, and not expected to be skating again till around May.

Other injuries-

Broken and discloated wrist

4 broken fingers

Many cuts totaling 21 stitches


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I hyper-extended my knee a year ago...took forever to heal, and hurt like hell. I actually couldn't sleep well for months since everytime I rolled over, the pain woke me up. Ugh!

Sprained groin...still healing from it. Some days it acts up, others it's fine.

Puck to the mouth several times. Once it caused my teeth to cut the inside of my mouth. Very ugly. So far no loose chicklets (knocking on wood...) I bought a new lid with a cage, so hopefully no more mouth injuries.

Miscellaneous cuts and deep muscles bruises.

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I got kneed in a game a little while ago and you know how some kids get touched and they limp off like there seriously hurt then play the next shift? Well when I got hit I couldnt support my self on my leg and it just gave out every time I put pressure on it. I tried to make it not do it so I dind't look like one of those kids but I couldn't support myself on it. It was like when you go to the doctor and they hit your knee with that hammer and it jumps up. Well I missed the rest of that game, most if the next and a practise. That was my little story. Hoped you liked it.

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What kind of hockey injuries have you had? I've broken my hand (3rd practice this year), and broken my collarbone.(3 weeks after getting hand cast off, first shift in tournament) :(

forsberg91...either you have very bad luck, or you need to start taking calcium pills!

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