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Possibly another NHL lockout?

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Unless I read incorrectly, the NHL and NHLPA aren't renewing the current CBA which expires on sept.15. Unless they figure out something before late august/october, a lock out is possible.

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As long as the owners don't pull anything stupid, I don't think there will be a lockout. The league is doing quite well and the current CBA isn't making life impossible for anyone. I think you'll see some squabbling over the cap numbers and formula, some type of buyout amnesty clause and possibly free agency age but it will be fairly easy on everyone. That doesn't mean some harsh things won' be said, but it will be done before it impacts the season.

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Two issues I can see are realignment and the front loaded contracts. On the contracts, I forget if the NHLPA had an input on the NHL's decision but if they didn't, I can see it being an issue. Otherwise, like Chadd said, words here and there but it will get done.

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I think realignment will get done, the PA was unwilling to go along with the "we'll figure the details out later" part of the last proposal. The league has now had time to flesh out the proposals with all of the details. I also think the PA wanted to keep it as a negotiating tactic. They know the league wants it, so the PA wants to get something in exchange for agreeing to it. Just like the league was trying to get it for free by instituting it without negotiating for it. Good point on the front loaded contracts, I forgot about that. I think the league will try and set a maximum length on them this time around. They have said that it was on their wish list.

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There's definitely going to be some essential tension, but I just can't see the two sides being stupid enough to undermine their mutual growth AGAIN. The funniest (and saddest) part is that the kind of stonewalling that leads to strikes is pig-ignorant negotiation based on outmoded principles of limited gain rather than pragmatics, and it's far more common in labour negotiations than anywhere else.

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I think ktang's correct, sadly enough. Fehr and the owners will be focused on the split. I'd guess that we will start late.

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While I agree that the status quo seems to work well enough that both sides should be able to come to a consensus easily enough, I have to admit that Fehr's history concerns me.

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While I agree that the status quo seems to work well enough that both sides should be able to come to a consensus easily enough, I have to admit that Fehr's history concerns me.

The NHLPA hired him to leverage his past "success(es)"... and the owners keep Bettman because of his last "success"... so let's see how long it takes them to agree on where the line is drawn this time.

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I, for one, am very concerned about Fehr carrying the banner of the PA. MLB has the strongest union of the major sports in North America and the PA might believe that they can take a step in that direction with Fehr at the helm. This could get ugly.

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