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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shouldies impeding breathing

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I've had a pair of RBK 6k Kintetic for perhaps a year. I play in a men's league that is pretty competitive, so have caught a bunch of clappers in the chest and cross-checks to the back and the 6k's did what they are supposed to do in terms of protection.

The thing is, at first I wore them a bit loose because from the moment I put them on I realized if I wear them tight it feels restrictive to my breathing. But with wearing them loose I feel top-heavy. First I figured "okay...its' just a matter of readjusting and I'll get used to it"...but that didn't really happen. So...I tried to wear them tighter recently and the top-heavy issue is gone....but the impediment to breathing is, of course, back. It's not like I feel I'm going to pass-out or such, but just feels like I have to gulp extra hard to expand my lungs after a tough shift.

I know that with a less protective pair of shouldies I would not have this problem, but I am a winger (in my 40's) and spend lots of time in front of the opposing net getting abused by D-men who are in their 20's and have just come out of Juniors or whatnot. So the high-end back and chest protection means a lot to me

Any recommendations for shouldies that are protective, not too bulky and don't restrict breathing?

I have not had the chance to try on a pair of CCM Crazy Lights yet, but I hear great things about them. Sound like that might be a good fit?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

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Any newer shoulder pad would be just fine, just have to find the one that fits you the best. Personally, my Easton ST16's were great for protection. They didn't fit me that well, so I sold them. I'm wearing the Warrior Franchise right now and I can't say enough good things about them. Light weight, protective, and the fit is completely adjustable.

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I had a pair of CCM CL's on this week and they felt really good. I barely noticed them, but they still felt really protective. It all comes down to what fits you and feels the best. Go to the store and try on a bunch of different pads and see what feels the best.

I can't say that I've ever experienced a pair of shoulders restricting my breathing though... Exactly how tight are you wearing them?

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I assume when you say you feel "top heavy" that you mean that when you wear them looser in the chest that they move around on your shoulders (i.e., with the heavier shouldercap and bicep guard portion not as stable as you would like).

If that's the case, this may sound odd (and may be impractical for you), but you could try wearing pants suspenders and putting the suspender straps over your shoulderpads, just inside the shouldercap. I have been doing this for years because a) it prevents the suspenders from slipping down, and much more importantly to you, b) it keeps my shoulderpads absolutely LOCKED into place.

Just a thought, but might be a good way of keeping them stable without having to crank down all the way on the chest/back piece like a vise.

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So do you prefer a loose-feeling fit without the pad actually swimming around? I suggest trying on pads with a multiple guesseted design or a vest-like design. They won't hug the body as well as traditional single panelled chest and back pieces but should be what you're looking for. See if you can try on the old or new Warrior Projekt shoulder pads, Bauer's X:60/TotalOnes (APXs are that single panelled foundation), Reebok's KFS shirt/shield combination pad, Easton's old ST series like Krev mentioned and definitely the new CCM series.

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Look at the CCMs. I have spent lots of time dealing with similar issues and looking at shoulder pads. Eventually my choice was to take a pair of Sher-Woodfs and have padding sewn into them to provide more protection. That being said, if I didn't mind the bulkier caps I would get the CCM CLs in a sec!

If you are a small or an XL hockey monkey has these on sale right now b/c the new CCM protective stuff is out. I have these and really like the low profile look and the large amount of protection they provide.


Those pads are really hot IMHO. Very close to your body. Harder to breath.

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I think I tried on close to 10 different shoulder pads before deciding on the Crazy Lights, which fit me better than my old Reeboks and seem to be as protective, if not more. You might also want to check out the Bauer Totalone shoulders as well, I remember those feeling very protective while comfy, at least for me.

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Best shoulder pads (and hockey investment) I've ever made were these Farrell shoulder pads. Each little square is capable of recieving 650 lbs of pressure.

Ive gotten ROCKED and not felt a thing wearing these things. I will say that the sweat soaks into the material and kind of weighs you down a little bit, but for the protection you get out of them it is totally worth it.


I was so upset to hear that Farrell went out of business. I wear their gloves too and absolutely love them. Super durable too.

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