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Possible 9-rink complex in Bronx, NY

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Article from NY Times:


It doesn't mention this in the article, but apparently the leaders of the project plan to use the same model that Flyers owner Ed Snider is using in Philly to introduce local kids to hockey at the inner-city rinks that he renovated. The model is more or less that kids who would never be able to afford ice-time or equipment get it for free based on school attendance/grades and such. Pretty much a win-win if you ask me.

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Things like this would be really great for the sport. People may not have the best opinion of Snider based on how he runs the Flyers, but his ESYHF is quite the initiative.

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I think the 18 year old kid from the article hit the nail on the head. I don't know the local market, but a 9 rink facility would be a huge amount of ice to sell in one location.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 2:52 PM, MatthewRoach7 said:

I don't even want to thing of the cost of land to put in 9 rinks.

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And parking. Double sheet I play at is in a constant battle with players & fans and the city over people parking on the grass and in "fire lanes" etc. I can't imagine how far you'd have to carry your bag in the rain or snow at a rink with nine sheets. Coupled with being in the city the sheer number of people on public transit with their bags and a couple of sticks. The Subway or the bus around 4-6 would be hell to navigate.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 8:04 PM, MyBoxersSayJoe said:

What else is in the area? Chelsea?

Most of the guys I know come from the city to the Ice House in Hackensack.

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I don't think it will attract as many folks from Manhattan or any of the other boroughs, as much as it will give people an alternative to Rye and the handful of other rinks located in nearby Westchester. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the project was scaled back some.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 7:20 PM, hunterphfr said:

And parking. Double sheet I play at is in a constant battle with players & fans and the city over people parking on the grass and in "fire lanes" etc. I can't imagine how far you'd have to carry your bag in the rain or snow at a rink with nine sheets. Coupled with being in the city the sheer number of people on public transit with their bags and a couple of sticks. The Subway or the bus around 4-6 would be hell to navigate.

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Doesn't Chelsea Piers have some kind of system where you can rent a locker for your gear? They might plan on something like that.

9 NHL-size rinks does seem kind of excessive. I think the kid quoted in the article is probably right - a multi-use complex (including rinks, sure, just not 9 of them) might better serve the area and community.

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