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Warrior Franchise Gloves Fit

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I just bought a pair of Warrior Franchise Pro Stock Gloves made for Anton Babchuk during his days as a Calgary Flame from ebay. They were listed as 14" and that's what I normally wear.

I got them today and when i tried them on i noticed that the fingers are longer than i'm used to from my other gloves (Eagle X70, Bauer Pro Stock Vapor XXXX and some cheap Reebok).They are also my first Warrior gloves.

Is this the normal Warrior fit or maybe a modification custom made for Babchuk? The ebay seller didn't mentioned any modifications.

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Pro stock gloves are made to each player's specs. One of those specs that can be adjusted is finger length. The risk you run with any pro stock purchase is that the specs the player ordered may not be what fits you. The generic gloves with the team name typically will be standard finger length for each size.

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Thanks for your replies guys! I did some stickhandling in my appartment and had no big problems with the longer fingers. Curious if it will stay that way during a real game/practice when i sweat.

Anyway i have to live with it, because they were pretty expensive and where i live (Austria, Europe) nobody will buy them for an equal price. :(

Thanks for the tip with the generic/team name ones (that's what my Vapor xxxx are), i will keep that in mind for the next time.

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Vapors, Eagles, and I assume those Reeboks are all built with much smaller fingers from what I've seen.

Although I rather much prefer 13s....I still can use short cuff 14" Franchises.

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I ordered a pair of the narrow fit in a size 14 before I read this post. Just like the original poster said the fingers are too long for me too. If I go down to a 13 is it just going to be the length that changes or the width/volume? Other than the fingers being too long it's a pretty good fit. But they are pretty long I don't like the feel.

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I've have a pair of 13" Franchises, and when I compared them to Eagle 14" PPF 905 XCustoms, the appeared to be the same length. Do Franchises run longer?

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I've got X80i in a 13", these fingers are shorter than my 13" franchises. But the 13" franchise fingers aren't as long as the 14" gloves I have (TPS, Sherwood, Bauer, Easton) so maybe it's an Eagle thing, their fingers are shorter? Something I hadn't really noticed before.

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Ive found that the franchises are pretty wide fitting unless they are the narrow version, and the fingers are longer than eagle but still a little short imho. 14" franchise finger length = 15" Eagle PPF finger length. Argue all you want, but I own both and thats a fact. haha

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I measured my 13" ppfi, Franchise and others (just for interest). Middle finger of ppfi is 7cm, Franchise is 8cm. All fingers of the franchise are longer by between 1/2cm to 1cm. Same with the ppfi - MIA comparison although not as great a difference. R10, R8, T90, 4 roll pro, one95, TO, S19, Mako, X60, RS, 9k, Fuel 130 all have longer fingers than ppfi or x80i.

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After playing abit more with my franchises (the early MIA warrior rebranded version), the inside feels wider than my eagles for sure, but not quite as loose as after I removed the liner of the eagles. (Stupid, Im aware of that now.)

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