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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Captain Sane

What should a bring with to a USA Hockey Ref seminar?

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I obviously will need skates and I'm assuming a helmet for the on-ice portion, but anything else? Pen and paper maybe? I don't think I'll need any other equipment besides a whistle, right?

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Sweat pants, sweater, skates, helmet, whistle. Rule book if you have one. Otherwise pen and paper. You'll be fine, first time seminars are no big deal.

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Jersey: you're going to need it anyway, might as well have it for the clinic

Black pants

Elbow pads



Show up with everything you may need and you will make a good impression.

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Jersey: you're going to need it anyway, might as well have it for the clinic

Black pants

Elbow pads



Show up with everything you may need and you will make a good impression.

My son and I went to the ref seminar a couple of months ago. Taking notes turned out to be a waste of time, but it won't hurt to bring a notepad and pen anyway. You will need all of what Chadd listed, a visor on your helmet, and a whistle. USA Hockey sent us the rule books in the mail about a week after the clinic. The open-book exam is to be taken online later.

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Is the visor mandatory now?

I went to my local ref's association website, IHONC, and it looks like they're not required, just recommended.

Officials must have the following equipment, at a minimum:

  • black hockey helmet
  • striped official's sweater with removable orange armbands
  • black official's pants
  • black hockey skates with white laces
  • whistle

Recommended protective equipment includes:

  • padded girdle
  • cup or pelvic protector
  • shin guards and knee pads
  • elbow pads
  • half-shield visor

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I believe the NFHS is require all officials to wear visors now. It's either for the 2012-13 or 2013-14 season. That's the only league/federation that I've heard of passing such a ruling. I use one. I try to have as much protection as possible without interfering with my ability to call a good game. I hope and pray that I have the ability to officiate games for years to come. I wish I started early but @ least I started haha. Enjoy.

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Per NFHS: *Effective for the 2013-14 season - The on-ice officials shall be dressed in black trousers, an official’s sweater and a black ice hockey helmet, with a half face shield which meets the HECC standard at the time of manufacture and chin strap fastened. They shall be equipped with whistles. The referees in the three-official or four-official system shall wear arm bands.

RATIONALE: Use of the glass surrounding the rink has now become commonplace. The puck, as well as sticks, are higher and have resulted in an increase of on-ice officials sustaining injuries to or near the eyes. Many years ago, the requirement for players to wear face protection was enacted. It is now time to require the on-ice officials to wear face protection. Many years ago, it was through the implementation of rules changes that on-ice officials were required to wear helmets. The half face shield’s time has come for high school hockey.

@Krev is correct in his statement. In my area, there isn't any stipulation that I know of in regards to mandatory halfers. I assume that NFHS is the governing body for all varsity hockey in the U.S.

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