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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What to do with old equipment

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So I have some player and goalie equipment that I no longer use (and haven't used in a while) and is really old and worn out. I was wondering whats the best course of action for them? Throw out? Donate? Sell? I would feel bad throwing them out cause they COULD potentially get used in the future, though I'm not sure who would. I don't know about selling/trading in cause I don't know who would even buy them.

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2nd on Donate to the local rink, or free on Craigslist. You can also contact your rink to find out about charities that host learn to play events.

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I suggest you make a second set of gear, it may not be the prettiest but as long as you've got an extra of everything if you've got a friend who wants to play its easy to hook them up. Once you have a second set start giving things away (unless its better than what you've got as your second set - upgrade and give away the worst).

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That is only available to subscribers of the gear exchange

I didn't think to look at the OP's member status. I stand by my recommendation, however, but additionally, I recommend more participation, and a GE subscription.

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write JOFA on it and sell it on ebay!

but seriously, I gave some stuff to the local Salvation Army. I called before I dropped it off, and and they said they take it. Some stuff that had value I put up on craigslist or ebay.

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Play It Again Sports could also be an option. I traded old shoulder pads from 1998 and an old entry level pair of Vapors to them and recieved $25...enough to get a pair of socks and a couple pucks.

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little bit of research, plenty of possibilities, eBay classifieds, craigslist, freecycle, and even NRSA would know what to do.

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Offer it to teammates. Keep in mind whether or not it is in good condition and overall "quality" of the gear when it was new. I find there is often someone strapped for cash that has a short term need and cam use the gear for a while. I usually ask for a Mcdonald or a Queen so it feels like its not charity and then promptly take the cash and buy a pitcher or a round after the game.

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Offer them to a junior team.

Most kids or beginners might struggle to get gear due to the costs and that prevents them from really getting into the sport. I've lost count of the number of sticks/shafts and gear I've donated to help someone start out. I remember one kid who didnt have a stick and had to keep borrowing someone's at the rink. I took out my backup stick, told him to use it for the rest of the session. At the end he came to return it and i just told him to keep it. His mom came over later to return it again, and I said "i dont take returns, so he can keep it."

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