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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Gloves

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I dunno, to me, $129 USD doesn't seem that bad for a Pro level nylon glove that comes with an extra set of palms.

Licker, reading is fundamental

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I was at Great Skate today and finally got an opportunity to see and hold the XXX gloves. DAMN!

First of all, the nylon is absolutely awesome. Looks and feels great...noticeably lighter.

Hands-down the most comforable glove I have ever worn. Very nice lining, and do not seem as though they would absorb too much sweat.

My only problem is, of course, with the palms. They felt okay, but really, from what I had been hearing, I assumed they would be a little bit thinner. I slipped the glove on and was almost immediately disappointed. They weren't too thick, just not quite as thin as I had thought they would be.

In my opinion, they felt like great gloves. I probably will not be buying myself a pair this year, as I plan on moving on to play for the "local" Jr. team next season (which will require new colors), but I do intend to do so sometime in the not-too-distant-future. A great pair of gloves.

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im not putting down the quality of china product. what im saying is that due to the fact its made in china, the cost is too high. and just about all retail products are made over seas

I don't really mind that my gloves were made in china, simply because I have found it almost impossible to find a comfy pair of gloves, for 3 or 4 or 5 months. When I bought my Sande's last year, they felt like the most comfy gloves I had ever tried on. When I tried these on they were 10 x more comfy than my currently broken in sandes, so when these get broken in they will be sweet..which they already are.

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Could you post a picture of the XXX's? An internet search for them leads to some, uh, questionable material :o

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D'oh, last time I went there the site wasn't up yet :P

Those are some pretty nice lookin gloves, I liked the way the XX's felt, so maybe I can get the rents to pony up for xmas and replace my mission warp 4's, thrice repalmed :lol:

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