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Jeremy Roenick tries to write a tribute to Mike Keenan, rants about his top partying stories instead

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I grew up with JR. I grew up south of Chicago watching Blackhawks games in the old barn and on TV. So I have a love for him that it seems only Chicago fans can have. I do want to read his book and see in what context this excerpt was surrounded by. It does seem like it was supposed to be a about Keenan's tough love but seemed 50/50 of that and JR's shenanigans.

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I just read it, and you're right. Not enough about keenan, though still some great stories.

Though you also have to keep in mind this isn't an "essay", its an excerpt from his book.

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I loved the story, he's still a party bug like back then now.

The half bragagraphs about keenan were good, especially the Dave Manson story.

That story part alone made it awesome.

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Looks like a lot about Keenan, then some J.R. stories. It's not surprising -- the book is titled J.R.

I don't understand the negativity towards J.R.; he didn't write the headline for the article.

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Definitely going to pick up his book. One of the few NHL players who actually replies to fans on Twitter. Hated him as a player but love him now.

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Roenick never tried to hide who he has and was always an entertaining personality. The league could use more guys like him and fewer guys that just spout the traditional interview lines.

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Roenick never tried to hide who he has and was always an entertaining personality. The league could use more guys like him and fewer guys that just spout the traditional interview lines.

Couldn't agree more!

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I purchased the book for my Dad for Christmas. I'm going to read through it in the meantime. Have gone through a couple chapters and like it so far. Seems to be all over the place at times, but I wonder if that will diminish once I get into more time period/subject specific chapters.

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