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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

How to Breed BIG hockey players..

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The funny thing was that I totally grew into my feet. I've been wearing size 11 skates since I was 13. So I was this short kid with huge feet...

a kid i coached the past few years was 5'8 with size 15 shoe... i used to tell him he looked like an L. he was 15-17 while i coached him

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Lucky people who are tall....I'm 14 almost 15 and I am 5'2

I hear ya, I wish I could play the game without worrying about how big the team is that im facing.

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Lucky people who are tall....I'm 14 almost 15 and I am 5'2

Pfffft dont worry about size. Build yourself up and you'll be fine. I'm 18 and only 5'4, but im a solid 157. I never worried about the other guys I played against. If you build yourself up and know how to concentrate your mass/power in one area, you will be able to still throw some nice hits and keep your balance when bigger guys are on you.

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Lucky people who are tall....I'm 14 almost 15 and I am 5'2

Pfffft dont worry about size. Build yourself up and you'll be fine. I'm 18 and only 5'4, but im a solid 157. I never worried about the other guys I played against. If you build yourself up and know how to concentrate your mass/power in one area, you will be able to still throw some nice hits and keep your balance when bigger guys are on you.

Compltly true,im building my self up alot,i go up guys that are a foot or acouple inches taller then me,wigh more and i still knock em down. Even though im only 12

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Im 6 foot 4 and I dont have crazy huge feet. I wear a size 9.5 skate. I have short legs compared to the rest of my body so im pretty fast considering my size. I dont have problems keeping up at all. Only 2 people on my team are faster than me.

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I started playing high school in grade 8, i was like 5"2' 85 pounds, now I'm in grade 10 5"7' 155. This year I can take care of myself, and I'm way more effective. But I still get rocked!

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I started playing high school in grade 8, i was like 5"2' 85 pounds, now I'm in grade 10 5"7' 155. This year I can take care of myself, and I'm way more effective. But I still get rocked!

How did you start playing high school in grade 8?

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I started playing high school in grade 8, i was like 5"2' 85 pounds, now I'm in grade 10 5"7' 155. This year I can take care of myself, and I'm way more effective. But I still get rocked!

How did you start playing high school in grade 8?

Some schools are K-12 and allow 7th and 8th graders to compete.

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You used to be able to do that here but they changed it to only 4 years of HS hockey. Too many teams were playing a kid at jr and sr high at the same time.

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You used to be able to do that here but they changed it to only 4 years of HS hockey. Too many teams were playing a kid at jr and sr high at the same time.

Oh I see, never heard of anything like that before.

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You used to be able to do that here but they changed it to only 4 years of HS hockey. Too many teams were playing a kid at jr and sr high at the same time.

I thought that was to keep people who are 22 and still kicking around HS from playing against 15 year olds.

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well lots of people now these days seem to be alot bigger than our elders mothers fathers, so i uno what it is but yea in alberta there's a kid that plays in edmonton that is 6"6 and he is in gr 9 playin bantam so me being the giant 5'5 it's kinda scary being against them but not as bad as being a player so you wouldn't get chrushed by him (me being a goalie an all)

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In New York (Rochester) where I used to live, you're allowed to play high school in grade 7

I played in 8th grade and unfortunatly Salmon River is in my division and I dk if you have heard of them but there dominate in new york state high school. There big and they move. I was 3rd line smallest kid for both teams. I was drilled over and over again. I hated it lol I thought about calling it quits (for that year). I think schools should take a look at the player. If there good enough and smart enough they can be allowed.

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I suppose guys like Chara are leading the way in the "Bigfoot can play hockey!" stakes these days. I saw a pic of him and his missus in THE HOCKEY NEWS, her head finishes at his shoulder, just under even. Interesting though in the article so many people from his junior to younger days told him to goto Volleyball or Basketball and forget hockey because of his height. Then again even Gretzky had his detractors!

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I played in 8th grade and unfortunatly Salmon River is in my division and I dk if you have heard of them but there dominate in new york state high school. There big and they move. I was 3rd line smallest kid for both teams. I was drilled over and over again. I hated it lol I thought about calling it quits (for that year). I think schools should take a look at the player. If there good enough and smart enough they can be allowed.

When I was in Gr. 6, in Peewee, I was maybe 5'5-5'6, and I'm around 5'7-5'8 now. Size wasn't really a problem by the time I was in Gr. 7. My parents still didn't want me to be playing against 17-18 year olds, which wasn't cool at the time, but now I'm sort of happy that I didn't :P

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