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Former Bruin Stan Jonathan Shoots and Kills Hunter

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Former Boston Bruins tough-guy Stan Jonathan shot and killed a bow hunter in Oshweken (Ontario) when he shot into a wooded patch at what he thought was a deer and struck and killed a Hamilton bow hunter who was hunting on the property owned by a friend. Jonathan was charged with criminal negligence causing death. Tragic story.


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What a terrible event. My condolences for the family. Being a fellow hunter however, this scenario raises multiple questions. Why on earth would you shoot into a bush you saw moving? Why on earth would you shoot across a road at said moving bush? Has Stan Jonathan passed a hunter education course in the last 30 years? This entire event could have been avoided by practicing rules that hunters are taught from the first time they pick up a gun.

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No amount of hunter training is going to fix a trigger happy idiot, which is what Stan is at this point. Pretty sure one of the cardinal rules of shooting is "Know your target and what is beyond it" and Stan ignored it. Feel terrible for the other hunter and Stan is going to have to live with his reckless decision for the rest of his life. Idiots like that are what keeps me from hunting and its a shame.

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Hate to see an innocent bystander lose their life over the stupidity and negligence of someone else. Know your target, and know what is beyond it. It's not just about safety, but it's also about being humane... don't take a shot unless it is clean.

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I can't tell you how many shots I have passed up because my line of sight to the animal wasn't 100% clear. Even knowing what the animal was I've passed up shots because it was behind some bushes or I couldn't tell what was behind it. It's just the smart and safe thing to do. No animal is worth another persons life. Ever.

And....this is the stuff that makes me put a lot of money into controlled hunt units. Too many idiots out there.

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You did right. Always make sure what you're shooting at, and what's behind it. If there's any doubt, don't take the shot. Passing up a shot won't change anyone's life; taking it could.

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