Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 I was talking with my juniors today about their excercise regime outside the rink and a thought popped into my head when one was talking about lunchtime footy. Over here in Aus. all the kids either play aussie rules football or soccer during their recess' at High School. Do you guys in the US or Canada in particular play pick up games during recess? Even street hockey on shoes? This intrigues me something shocking! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beaucoup_fish 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 Most kids play something or other during school breaks and for me, when I was a kid, it was either:1. Foot Hockey (yes, kicking a tennis ball around...kinda like soccer with a tennis ball)2. Football (American) - all year round - it was best in the snow tho3. Rugby - mostly in the snow4. Catch - tossing the baseball around5. Tag - running around is good exercise6. Wallball/Handball, whatever the hell you wanna call it7. Red Ass - this game ruled.8. Basketball - also good times Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 In elementary school we'd play hockey in the winters at recess, either in the rink or on a packed tennis court if the rink wasn't cleared. Some times in highschool we would play floor hockey if the soccer field was flooded, but that was it. What's nice is it's offered as a PE class in quite a few universities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Petey21 1 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 Although I'm in Sweden and not in NA I can tell you what we did when I was in school, there were a few options. Soccer was pretty popular, and basketball too (although basketball isn't very big in Sweden but we enjoyed playing it anyway). And then in my class we invented something similar to "Foot Hockey" mentioned above, during winters my school had an outdoor hockey rink and sometimes we used to play what we called "Puck Kick", we were running/sliding around on the ice wearing regular winter shoes/boots, kicking a hockey puck, and the goalies were sitting down on their knees (no sticks allowed). Pretty fun game to play during the breaks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hockeyman9621 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 We had a big dip in our field at my old school.. All the water would freeze(about a half foot of water in the field) and we would play mini-sticks on ice.Edit -- And mini sticks in the summer too. A lot of broken sticks. Damn one pieces. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hip check 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 We played ball hockey at school. You had to be in the fifth grade at least - so you wouldn't get trampled! Used a tennis ball so it wouldn't hurt as much, unless it was frozen.:o We played every day, during all breaks. We'd only stop when there were other mini-league events going on (touch football, softball, b-ball - all house league style).On a side note, my wife and sisiter-in-law have started a women's rec. ball hockey league for 18+ (up to 50 yr olds play) at our church. Called "Chix With Stix". It is now in it's second season. They've adopted some unique rules to keep everything safe and flowing smoothly. Here's a link to the site: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eazy_b97 1 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 Elementary school - Foothockey, red-ass, B-ball and footballHigh school - we didn't have recess, played alot of Frisbee my last 2 years during sparesI've always played road hockey after school. Everyday in elementary there would be a game right after. Highschool started out the same, but soon evolved into 3 times a week. Basically the first 2 lines of the HS hockey team would play and everyone would bring their friends who were always at our games. It was good actually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
100% Canadian Hockey 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 I think every kid in canada has played some sort of hockey at recess at one time or another . At my first elementry school we usually played mini stcks everytime we were outside but at my second we never played , it was either b-ball or football . And I know what u mean about those damm one peice sticks Hockey man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDE3 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 Where I grew up in Ontario almost every school....even elementary.....had it's own outdoor rink with boards, so we played recess and lunch whenever we could in the winter..(Camp Petawawa) for those who are curious.....Then spring and fall it was ball hockey with the tennis ball in the driveway with the garage door as the backstop. Winters after school we played at other outdoor rinks..there were at least 6 within walking distance if you included the school rinks, and one indoor arena.....The military was big on providing wholesome entertainment for it's population. It was homework first and play until they shut off the lights..usually 10:00. Can actually remember playing at -40 F(same as -40C).....really important to have a bit of extra clothing under the hockey gear when that wind whistled through your legs..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crosskore 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2004 Played foot ball in elementry. Now in highschool, I dont do anything. Alot of people smoke though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LetsGoWings13 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 we dotn get recess no more in high school but we pretty much played soccer, basketball and football but the football didnt last long cuz wed awalys takle eachother and one kid would get hurt and than my whole class wouldnt get recess for like a week lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2048 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 We had floor hockey in gym with those Cosom sticks which snapped all the time. I almost got banned from playing for not looking where I was running and taking people down by accident.As for college, mack's right, many schools offer ice hockey as a gym class if they have a rink. It's freaking awesome. No refs, no rules a bunch of lazy prep-school players and a few cocky goalies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J-Shera 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 In elementary school at recess we use to strap on the skates and helmet and play hockey on the outdoor rink. Pretty much everyone at my school played hockey in a league so it was some good hockey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 Man what a jib! I can't beleive some of you didn't get recess in H school. In Aus its law that every school has to provide one 30 minute and one Hour and a half recess. I can't imagine having a roller or ice rink in our school yard. The Ice rink would be hard as during the day in Winter it only gets as low as 9C. LMAO.... Im scared to ask what "Red Ass" is? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 Two hours of recess? Is that in addition to lunch? Damn, thats either a hell of a long school day, or a normal day with no classes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ambro 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 Damn I haven't had recess since 5th grade. And even then it was only for like 10 minutes or less each day. All I remember even playing was football, or in the winter we would sometimes make like 20 foot snowballs. They took about a week to get big enough because or the short recess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted December 7, 2004 School day goes as follows....(If I can remember)...H school. day started at 8:45...form room for 15 mins....then first period started at 9....two 50 minute periods then recess.....another two 50 minute periods then lunchtime.....another two 50 min periods and we finished at 3.20 in the arvo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkptTiger 1 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 We played alot of kickball when I was in Elementary school...Now I'm a Junior in High School; no recess for me. The closest I come (other than Gym class, of course) would be when I am able to cut out early (hehehe, don't tell my Physics or AP U.S. History teachers ) and talk someone into giving me a ride upto the rink for Open Hockey... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 Back in my senior year of HS I had a 2.5 hr break. 1st lunch, the 30 min in between, and 2nd lunch. And I got an A for it.I was interning with the Miami Herald but my journalism class had to change hours from 2nd period to 6th. It was too late to add classes so they gave me (sports editor) and the editor in chief independent study during 5th period. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HackeyNoob 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 Hockey isn't too big where I live so elem. recess was either 4square, basketball, or teatherball (sp). Some people continued to play basketball in HS but it wasn't encouraged since you'd usually be nasty and have more classes :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HDragons73 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 In elementary school we played mostly basketball, soccer, football, and sometimes kickball, baseball, and dodgeball. But the best game of all was what we called king of the slide. It was just a giant wrestling match on top of a metal slide, like a royal rumble, and of course this lead to fights and suspensions, but still the greatest game.No recess since 6th grade and the most we do is pass a football. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan_The_Man_16 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 Wow, you guys got to play baseball at recess!? Thats awesome, my recesses (back in elementary school) were pretty brutal. Our principal was what we referred to as a "recess nazi". She wouldn't let us do anything. Football was not allowed becasue the "ball was too hard". Soccer was also outlawed because "you could hurt the goalie with that ball". Brutal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 Back in my senior year of HS I had a 2.5 hr break. 1st lunch, the 30 min in between, and 2nd lunch. And I got an A for it.I was interning with the Miami Herald but my journalism class had to change hours from 2nd period to 6th. It was too late to add classes so they gave me (sports editor) and the editor in chief independent study during 5th period. Because its my senior year, I get a free period inbetween both lunches. Each lunch is 40 minutes long, and the class is 45 minutes, so I get a close to two hour break each day. It definitely makes up for having to take six classes a day this year, and seven a day for freshman through junior year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 Brutal schedules. We had 6 classes and you only took all of them on Mondays and Fridays for 50mins. The days between were 4 classes at 80mins with 50mins for lunch. Worst part was remembering the schedule because they weren't sequential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted December 14, 2004 It is pretty shitty. Thats the downside of going to a private school, they actually expect something from you. My friend on my team has the sweetest schedule. They have four classes a semester, and then have two classes a day. Because hes a senior, he has two free periods, one each day. One class is racket sports and the other is film crit. He shows up at 10:30 and is done by 1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites