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Slash guards

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I don't have any slash guards to protect my wrists right now but have been considering getting a pair, does anyone here use them, and if so, which model do you use? Do they all provide somewhat equal protection or are some brands/models better than others, just like bigger pieces of equipment? Any recommended models?

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I use a set of Easton slash guards that I like a lot. These are the terry cloth sweat arm band style with a hard plate in the top. They are pretty comfortable. Untill you get them to strech a little, they might feel a bit tight around your writs and it may affect your stick handling a bit. But the protection is good, and they only cost me about $10 US. Every major equipment maker makes a set like these. I liked the Eastons cause they just looked the best.

Stay away from older Jofa guards. They aren't the sweat band style, they were just a plate with some padding and a strap. No one I knew liked them.

Another option, if you think you might want some new gloves while you're at it, Easton makes some of their gloves with the hinged wrist guard at the cuff. Those are great! Only kicker is if your elbow pads come down your forearm too far then your gloves don't go on all the way anymore.

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I use this Easton model. I think Eagle makes one like it to.


These have inserts all the way around the pad. I have used the type that just has the protection on the top and these are much better since you could be vulnerable if the pad on the other type slips around. Also I've taken a few pucks to the underside of the other type and it's like there was nothing there at all.

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I saw a brief picture once of a NHL player's slash guards during a fight. They were huge, white, and seemed to lace around the wrist and go up the arm another 6 inches or more. Anybody know where you can get a pair of those?

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Those Easton's look good, I'll see what they have to offer at the LHS, not sure they carry those but I'll see.

As for the Jofa, there seems to be different versions of them out there. Which one should I go for if I want maximum protection and in case I can find all three variants?

From the North American site I found these two (not sure if these are available where I live)...

Jofa 1

Jofa 2

And from the Swedish (European?) site I found this one...

Jofa 3

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The ones I have are the first one.

The last two will probably provide more protection, but I hate how they restrict movement IMO. The first one just sits on top of your wrist. It has an elastic strap underneath but I cut mine off.

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I think Eagle makes one like it to.

Oh wow, I didn't know Eagle made slash guards. Do you know where can I buy a pair?

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I think Eagle makes one like it to.

Oh wow, I didn't know Eagle made slash guards. Do you know where can I buy a pair?

Any Eagle retailer should be able to order them for you. All of the slashguards, with the exception of the Jofa, are identical. Why does the brand name matter at all?

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I think Eagle makes one like it to.

Oh wow, I didn't know Eagle made slash guards. Do you know where can I buy a pair?

Any Eagle retailer should be able to order them for you. All of the slashguards, with the exception of the Jofa, are identical. Why does the brand name matter at all?

Thanks, i'll have my LHS order a pair for me.

What's wrong with someone being loyal to a certain company? Eagle is my favorite hockey company, and if i'm in the market for something I will look to Eagle before anyone else, I don't see a problem with that.

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I think Eagle makes one like it to.

Oh wow, I didn't know Eagle made slash guards. Do you know where can I buy a pair?

Any Eagle retailer should be able to order them for you. All of the slashguards, with the exception of the Jofa, are identical. Why does the brand name matter at all?

LOL...I used to wear Easton ones :o

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Actually the Eagle ones are different, they're the ones that had them all around the wrist - looks like popsicle sticks. My Eastons were the same way.

Ahh, my rep didn't have the Eagles when he came out. He said they were the same as the others though, my bad.

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I play in a no-checking league and because of that there is a ridiculous amount of slashing since people can't check.

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I used to have some TPS slash guards that I liked a lot but I lost one of them. I have some Easton ones that I don't like because there is no flexibility in them at all. I might get those bauer ones though because they look like the TPS slash guards with a big pad on the outside and nothing on the inside.

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You guy use the sweatband style? I got a pair (CCM) but I havn't gotten slashed since I bought them, go figure. Actually I did get whacked once during practice by a girl who was playing on my team. I'm still plotting my revenge. So far I havn't thought of anything good :P

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You guy use the sweatband style? I got a pair (CCM) but I havn't gotten slashed since I bought them, go figure. Actually I did get whacked once during practice by a girl who was playing on my team. I'm still plotting my revenge. So far I havn't thought of anything good :P

get her in the corner and umm... well, you figure it out.

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