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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

V12 vs 703/G3

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**How does the Nike V12 compare in fit to the 703/G3?**

Which has more forward flex: V12 or 703/G3 or both about same

Which is stiffer boot between G3 and V12?

Are V12s as comfortable as G3s?

Do you wear socks in your V12s?

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Oy Vey....

The fits are not really anthing alike. The V-12 stock is wider and has a much wider toe box.

I would guess foward flex would be about the same.

The V12 will be stiffer

I think V12's are more comfortable than the G3...it is personal preference

I wear socks when I skate...it is personal preference

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Just the same as him, but I can't wear Grafs for some reason, they just really hurt my feet. The V-12s are a very comfy skate - FOR MY FOOT TYPE. If your feet don't fit them, they aren't going to be comfy. I used to not wear socks, but now I wear them again, so my skates don't stink.

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Differen't fit. Forward flex is the same or around the same. V12's qare stiffer, comfort is Personal prefrence, 703's get my vote, My Hi-Ho's are unbearable, but thats because they don't fit my foot. I do not wear socks for anything skating related.

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The Liners in the skates are different i'm pretty sure. The liner in the V12 isn't a leather or a clarino or whatever makes it nice a plush, I have V12s and have had them for just over a year. The liner has deteriorated so now when I skate on my left foot in the middle of my foot it has made a blister because the liner has deteriorated and now its just the plastic in my boot rubbing on my foot.

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if you fit into G3/703's you dont fit into v12s. They are on completely different ends of the spectrum. Looks like all that talk about the 703s was for nothing?

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