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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

CCM CL 500 Glove Initial Thoughts

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How is the weight, and palm durability (in your estimation) compared to the:

a) Bauer Vapor APX?

b) CCM CS 400?

(I actually like the look of the exposed U Foam)

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How is the weight, and palm durability (in your estimation) compared to the CCM CS 400? It would seem that the Kevlar palm in the CS 400 would last longer, but I am not sure.

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The 500 is lighter.

Pro palms usually don't last as long, which is why it is offered on the top model.

How much lighter? Are we talking 270 grams to 295 grams? (not significant) Or, 255 grams to 325 grams? (significant) (I wish that all of these equipment manufacturers would weight their products and just post in the catalogues.)

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I tried the 500s on the other day at a local sports store... VERY IMPRESSIVE!... Nicest feeling glove out of any of the other brands on the shelf in my opinion.

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Are alot of pros still using U+ CL's, or am I imagining things? Anyone know why? And is this why Im not seeing many pro stock CL500's pop up?

Also, is there an HG50 version and an HG50x version? Whats the difference?

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