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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Bauer Performance Sports acquires Combat Sports

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Friend of mine gets their sticks at like a team discount price. I asked him about it and last he heard it was up in the air with no decisions made yet.

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Some historical housekeeping is in order regarding my Cooper baseball comment. I believe it was irwin Sports that had Cooper Baseball, not Canstar. I am looking forward to BaseballMonkey, Baseball Giant, Pure Baseball, and Total Baseball in the future.

Home run Monkey and Lacrosse Monkey already exist, and their physical stores have all three departments. Pure hockey bought Commonwealth lacrosse (ComLax.com) a couple of years ago. Now there is a comLax section in most Pure Hockey stores.

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Too bad as their sticks and gloves are really nice. Have a 52 cal reloaded and 52 Cal and no complaints at all. They catch the pass for you just about and the reloaded really fires a shot although the Reloaded 100 really gets some whip

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Guessing hockey is done for them. Their site no longer reflects any hockey equipment or links that I can find and the original hockey site now redirects to the general sports site. Trying like hell to find a tapered 52 Cal Reloaded shaft!

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...you said acquired, which was not the case with Cooper. When Nike bought Canstar, they killed off all brands and kept one; Bauer. Micron Mega skates became a 2nd line for Bauer, and Cooper and Flak protective became Bauer as well.

Bauer did buy Cooper, which led to the formation of Canstar. Late 80s, I believe. At that time, Cooper, Bauer, and CCM were the major players in the hockey business. Cooper actually had an offer on the table to buy CCM, but the CCM guys said or did something to piss off Jack Cooper, so he withdrew the offer and turned around and sold out to Bauer.

I used to be a rep, and the guy I worked for was a Cooper rep in the late 70s and 80s. I heard the story a thousand times. (JR, if you remember my old boss at all, you'll know what I mean.)

Ugh, reminded me of Clemens's old glove:


I have one of these! My brother has 2 more, all brand new. We were Cooper baseball reps, so we had samples. At one time, we figured they might be worth something...

If I remember correctly, they had them before, then Jock-Plus went on their own, then they got picked up again.

Itech sold Jock-Plus under a licensing agreement. The agreement ended (I can't remember when, but I think it's when we were at B&R) so Itech started selling jocks without the Jock-Plus logo and JP sold their own. That lasted a couple years, then they teamed up with Itech again, I think just before Mission bought Itech.

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Very disappointed that Bauer is apparently killing off Combat. It reeks of a monopoly at its worst. Crush any potentially competitive upstarts, buy out legit competitors in certain markets you want to expand in etc.

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Very disappointed that Bauer is apparently killing off Combat. It reeks of a monopoly at its worst. Crush any potentially competitive upstarts, buy out legit competitors in certain markets you want to expand in etc.

its been brought up before. They didnt buy Combat in order to squash a little guy and get rid of a potential market threat, they bought Combat to venture into the baseball market, and for their composite tech.

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