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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custon curves?

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that must me Us then right?

I think you're asking if Mudbug was referring to US currency? That answer would be yes.

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Why not just find the stick you like with the curve closest to the one you want, and have the LHS recurve it to your liking. It's a simple process, that's all the stick manufacuter does. I recurve sticks at my store for $5 US.

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I don't think you'll have any problems, I never have and I do lots of stick recurves. A recurvesd stick doesn't become weaker. When I'm showing a stick, if the customer likes the stick but not the curve, I offer a recurve at no charge. You can pretty much count n a sale every time.

Plus, if you ever get deals on funky curved sticks, you can recurve them to a somewhat normal curve, then they'll sell ok. I once got a dozen toe curves, they did not sell. I recurved them and gone in a week. :-)

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I was gonna say isn't it possible to recurve a goalie stick with one of those vices they sell on Epuck and a blow torch? Or am I just crazy? ;)

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