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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what do you eat before your beer league hockey game?

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I don't go overboard with my pre-game meal. First off, it's beer league. Second, I don't always have time to prep a proper meal before a game. For early games (some start at 6:30PM mid week) I'll take along an apple, banana, and trail mix to eat a couple hours before the game. That way I have at least something in my body for the game. I've played without eating before and it feels like I'm skating in quick sand.

If I do have time to eat dinner I'll usually try to eat chicken, fried rice, and some type of green vegetable. I used to drink a protein shake before and just never felt good when I did that so I don't anymore.

If I have a late late late game I'll eat the above dinner. But my game may not be for another 4-5 hours so I'll eat a banana right as I leave for the rink. I live far enough away that I usually head out an hour before my game because the drive can be about 30min.

For rec league I feel it's important to just have some form of good food in me. I don't stress about the amount of carbs, protein, and what not is in the food. Just that it is a clean meal and home cooked. Definitely makes a difference for me.

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I find one pre-game beer is a great thing, kinda of primes the pump for after the game. Pretty much any food will do but it seems best to eat a couple of hours before da game.

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for the past few weeks Ive had a nice steak dinner the evening before the day of game...after a stick/puck. The day of game I make sure to eat a decent breakfast, lunchmeat sandwhich for lunch with some fruit, and then something similar to the sandwhich about 3/4hours before Ill be on the ice. During the whole day Ill be consciously drinking plenty of water, and usually try to take in at least 64oz of water the final 2 hrs before the game. I will also bring a 40oz water bottle with me on the bench that gets drank during the game. Seems to work well for me.

being sufficiently/properly hydrated seems to make more of a difference for me than what I eat (normally eating small/regular portions with plenty of fruits/veggies mixed in)

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I was more particular when I lived on my own and when I had a more arduous trip to the rink (leaving at 4:30 or 5pm for an 8pm game, a trip involving two buses and a mile walk) - bowl of pasta an hour before I left, and a pb&j sandwich to eat on the way. Since I now live with my parents, who decide what's for dinner and how much is served and when, I've reached an agreement that at least on hockey nights I can eat my own food an hour earlier than dinner would normally be, and sometimes take along a powerbar or sometime. Dinner is usually just something light that won't be too bad if I puke from nerves.

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