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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bruised foot. Remedies?

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So. I took a clapper off my foot. I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions based on the previous incidents. My foot is too swollen to lace my skate up on that foot.


I've iced it a few times so far.

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Alternating ice and heat will get the swelling to go down i.e. ice it for 10 mins then heat for 10 mins, repeat. That looks pretty rough best of luck with the recovery.

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So. I took a clapper off my foot. I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions based on the previous incidents. My foot is too swollen to lace my skate up on that foot.

I've iced it a few times so far.

Step One; be less of a sissy.

Kidding, R.I.C.E. rest, ice, compression, elevation.

Ice for the first 48 hours keeps the swelling down, then you can alternate with heat. NSAID med will help with swelling as well.

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Are you sure there's no broken bone in there? If swelling doesn't go down after a few days it might be a good idea to visit a doctor and get it x-rayed.

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It's never bad to get an x-ray, but that looks a lot like an injury I had years ago from the same thing, a slapper off the foot. I had a contusion, a deep bruise that is on the bone. It will usually look like that, act and feel like a break but not actually be one. But again, an x-ray wouldn't be a bad thing at all. I hope it's just a contusion because you'll be back in a week or two if it is. Good luck.

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NSAID and ice.

I'm a believer of only ice even after the 1st 48hrs for acute injuries. Ice will help lower the inflammation, the heat will bring blood back in and not help lower swelling immediately.

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I am in a similar situation. Took a clapper off the outside of my right foot in a game exactly two weeks ago. I went to the ER that same night and got an X-ray, ended up with a fractured fifth metatarsal. My bruising wasnt as bad as yours, but the pain was pretty bad when putting pressure on it. I elevated my foot for a week straight more or less and was in a hard cast for the first week. Last Monday I went back in to see if I could get in a CAM Boot and the dr. was cool with it. Just yesterday I weened myself off if using two crutches and have been using just one. I go back in May 13th for an X-ray to see how it is healing. In the mean time I bought a pair of those Skate Fenders to help reduce the occurance of another foot injury.

Cliff Notes: get an X-ray.

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