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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on where to Purchase Custom Pant Shells For Minor Hockey Team

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Hi Guys,

Do you have any recommendations on the best place to purchase pant shells for my minor hockey team? Ideally looking for the Pittsburgh Penguin pant.


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Seeing as how it'd probably be easier to get a custom order if you want it to match Pittsburgh's current pants, you should message Junkyard Athletics on this board. I've never used any of his custom gear, but you'll find a ton of members on this board who have only great things to say about him.

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Most manufacturers offer some type of shell program. I have had good luck with K1 in the past. Talk to one of your local retailers and see what they can offer for you.

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I ordered a couple shells from Hockey services. They provide Philly Express shells.. Been happy with them over the last year.

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Athletic Knit, SP, and Philly Express can all make that Penguins pattern. AK and SP only can produce that pattern via sublimated shells and Philly Express can make those cut and sewn custom. AK and SP turnaround time is 4-6 weeks made in Canada and PX is 4-5 weeks made in USA. Warrior, Bauer do not offer the Penguins pattern in their custom pant/shell options. CCM an Reebok can do them, delivery date not till 11/15.

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